#wrend Bindings to the Wren language for use with the D programming language
Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language. Think Smalltalk in a Lua-sized package with a dash of Erlang and wrapped up in a familiar, modern syntax.
This project is not abandoned, just waiting for Wren to mature a little before continuing.
The simplest example of embedding and using Wren is as follows. This uses the default virtual machine configuration.
import wrend;
void main(string[] args)
auto vm = Wren.create();
vm.execute(`System.print("Hello, world!")`);
When using these bindings you must compile Wren and link it to your program. If you are using Ubuntu 64bit and compiling using dub, this should happen automatically.
These bindings have been developed with the latest DMD compiler. Other compilers have not been tested but should build fine.