Install dependencies with:
$ ansible-galaxy role install \
--role-file requirements.yml \
$ ansible-galaxy collection install \
--requirements-file requirements.yml \
Insert your credentials:
$ cp inventory/group_vars/all/credentials.yml.sample inventory/group_vars/all/credentials.yml
$ vi inventory/group_vars/all/credentials.yml
Many of the Ansible roles in this repo require that autogitops is deployed on the cluster. You can deploy autogitops using the command:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/localhost.yml openshift_autogitops_deploy.yml
Ansible roles utilizing autogitops need access to Kubernetes manifests located in the GitOps Catalog Helm repository. These roles expect to find a clone of this repository on the local machine at {{ playbook_dir }}/../gitops-catalog-helm by default. You can clone the repository by changing to the parent directory:
$ pushd ..
and cloning the GitOps Catalog Helm repository:
$ git clone
$ popd
You can run a playbook using:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/localhost.yml <playbook>