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Tutorial 3: Compound Body

matbord edited this page May 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

In this tutorial we use the CompoundShape to add two sub-BoxShapes to it. You can use compound shapes to build new shapes out of the basic shapes. For example, a car chassis could be made of a compound shapes. This is a common technique to save a lot of computation time.

Figure 3

Figure 3: Tutorial 3 - Two boxes form a compound compound body.

// Build the CompoundShape.TransformedShape structure,
// containing "normal" shapes and position/orientation
// information.
CompoundShape.TransformedShape[] transformedShapes =
    new CompoundShape.TransformedShape[2];

// Create a rotation matrix (90°)
JMatrix rotated = JMatrix.CreateRotationX((float)(90* (Math.PI)) / 180);

// the first "sub" shape. A rotatated boxShape.
transformedShapes[0] = new CompoundShape.TransformedShape(
    boxShape, rotated, JVector.Zero);

// the second "sub" shape.
transformedShapes[1] = new CompoundShape.TransformedShape(
    boxShape, JMatrix.Identity, JVector.Zero);

// Pass the CompoundShape.TransformedShape structure to the compound shape.
CompoundShape compoundShape = new CompoundShape(transformedShapes);

RigidBody compoundBody = new RigidBody(compoundShape);