The NovAtel OEM7 API is used to develop specialized applications using the Lua programming language to further extend the functionality of OEM7 family receivers. User-created Lua scripts run alongside the core receiver firmware using an embedded Lua script interpreter. The scripts can interact with the core firmware by sending commands to the receiver and retrieving logs for processing.
Please refer to the following API page at for more information.
Follow these steps to get started quickly. For greater detail, please refer to the NovAtel Documentation Portal.
Confirm that your receiver supports the OEM7 API, use the MODELFEATURES command to assist with this, look for "AUTHORIZED API".
Download the OEM7 API dev kit
Copy the lua\TEMPLATE_PROJECT directory to make a new project directory under the lua folder, for example lua\My_Project
Update lua\My_Project\make_my_project.bat to refer to your new project
Edit the message in the Lua script lua\My_Project\lua\autoexec.lua
Optional: Rename the script from autoexec.lua to something else such as my_script.lua, only if you do not want the script to automatically run when the receiver boots.
Run the batch script lua\My_Project\make_my_project.bat to generate a .hex file you can upload to your receiver.
Upload the .hex file to your receiver using the Upload tool of the NovAtel Application Suite (or the WebUI Firmware updater, if your receiver supports it).
Use the LUAFILELIST command to confirm that your script was loaded
Use the LUA START command to start your script (unless it was already started automatically)
For more detailed documentation, please refer to the OEM7 API documentation.
For support with NovAtel products, including the OEM7 API, please contact NovAtel Customer Service here: