GPS Time Machine provides the ability to convert a date and GPS time (hours, minutes, seconds, fractions of second) to a datetime object. GPS Time Machine adjusts for the offset between UTC and GPS time based on the number of leap seconds for the specified date. Because the gap between UTC and GPS times shift unpredictably based on when leap seconds are added by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), GPS Time Machine uses data from the U.S. Naval Observatory for this adjustment. See NOTES for more information.
This repository is not actively supported by NSIDC but we welcome issue submissions and pull requests in order to foster community contribution.
See the LICENSE for details on permissions and warranties. Please contact for more information.
Install dependencies:
$ conda env create -f ./environment.yml
$ source activate gps-timemachine
To install and use it in another project:
$ conda install gps-timemachine
This content was developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center with funding from multiple sources.