This repo contains data and tools for managing the NSIDC Cryosphere Glossary
The glossary data file is in the data
directory. The original
glossary download from Drupal is nsidc_cryosphere_glossary.20240601.csv
. This is
retained as a marker.
The new glossary is a JSON file. This glossary file has the following structure.
- the term for the glossary entry
- the definition this may be a single entry or multiple
entries. Multiple entries are treated as a sequence/list.
- A citation for the term.
I could also have short and long/technical definitions.
I need a way to cross reference these.
Update example
term: ablation
1: |
All processes that reduce the mass of a glacier. The main
processes are melting and calving but processes also include
sublimation, loss of windblown snow and avalanching.
2: |
The mass loss by melting, calving, sublimation, wind, and
- cogley_et_al_2011
from src.glossary import Glossary
# Load glossary
glossary = Glossary().from_json("/data/nsidc_cryosphere_glossary.json")
# Find a term
# Print an entry
Need tools to update definitions, add sources and references...
Add github gui update workflow to README
Move API workflow to separate pages
create github actions to:
- render pages
- generate csv file
Create simple html pages for display
- generate _quarto.yml
- write .md to alphabetized directory structure
Add CLI for searching for a term
Add CLI for updating a term - needs to add and commit to git, and push
- update definition
- add definition
- add source
- update source
- add references
- update references
- find linked terms
- output to markdown
- output to quarto markdown
- output to latex
Add CLI to generate updated csv for ingest to Drupal - only needs to be changed terms