An IONIC-Angular-capacitor based android app to create tinder type card design
IONIC Angular HammerJS
- Clone this code
- In root folder execute 'npm install' for node modules
- Install hammerjs using 'npm install hammerjs --save'
- Build and Run capacitor a) ionic build b) ionic capacitor run android //this command will create android folder and run android studio. if android studio not started. Open manualy and open created android folder on it.
- I am always reading You can..nice website..great content.. ( #thanks this guy 'Sergey Rudenko'
- Hammer library help you can find here (
- Code know..Google, Youtube, Stackoverflow, Medium, Code Pan is right hand of a developer (
- Use this code for dating app, a dating app with marriage service, with share and chat option
- Create chatbot using websocket (I have one websocket example in Spring Java with Chatbot) for users
- Write perfect api using Python or Java where you can integrate real time data with this app
- Use No-SQL type database for better performance and storage
- Good to use AI model for recommend system, so you can say..who, how, why like which type of person