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Enhance EventAdapterFactory
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rodrigogdea committed Apr 7, 2020
1 parent 69625de commit e3f3561
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14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ And then you have to register the new Adapter:

serializer.addEventAdapter(new UserAddedEventAdapter)
### EventAdapter Factory
## EventAdapter Factory
To avoid writing boilerplate code creating Event Adapters, we can use the `EventAdapterFactory`:
case class ProductId(id: String) extends AnyVal
Expand All @@ -75,11 +75,15 @@ ReactiveMongoEventSerializer(ActorSystem()).addEventAdapter(eventAdapter)
It is also possible to override mappings or add unsupported mappings. All added mappings must extends from `BSONReader[_]` or `BSONWriter[_]` or both.
val reader = new BSONReader[Type1] {...}
val writer = new BSONWriter[Type2] {...}
val readerAndWriter = new BSONReader[Type3] with BSONWriter[Type3] {...}
implicit val reader = new BSONReader[Type1] {...}
implicit val writer = new BSONWriter[Type2] {...}
implicit val readerAndWriter = new BSONReader[Type3] with BSONWriter[Type3] {...}

val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[Type4](withManifest = "SomeEvent", reader, writer, readerAndWriter)
val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[Type4](withManifest = "SomeEvent")
You can also add tags asociated to the Event:
val eventAdapter = EventAdapterFactory.adapt[Type4](withManifest = "SomeEvent", Set("Tag_1", "Tag_2"))

## Persistence Id
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ lazy val rxmongoVersion = "0.19.5"
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
name := "akka-reactivemongo-plugin",
organization := "null-vector",
version := "1.3.5",
version := "1.3.6",
scalaVersion := scala213,
crossScalaVersions := supportedScalaVersions,
scalacOptions := Seq(
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27 changes: 19 additions & 8 deletions core/src/test/scala/org/nullvector/EventAdapterFactorySpec.scala
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Expand Up @@ -36,23 +36,31 @@ class EventAdapterFactorySpec extends FlatSpec {

it should "override Reader Mapping" in {
val kMapping = Macros.handler[K]
val kReader: BSONDocumentReader[K] = kMapping.beforeRead({
implicit val kReader: BSONDocumentReader[K] = kMapping.beforeRead({
case BSONDocument(_) => BSONDocument("s" -> "Reader Overrided")
}: PartialFunction[BSONDocument, BSONDocument])

val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[I]("Ied", kReader)
val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[I]("Ied")
val anInstance = I(K("k"))
val document = eventAdapter.payloadToBson(anInstance)
eventAdapter.bsonToPayload(document).k.s shouldBe "Reader Overrided"

it should "override Writer Mapping" in {
val kMapping = Macros.handler[K]
val kWriter: BSONWriter[K] = kMapping.afterWrite({
implicit val kWriter: BSONWriter[K] = kMapping.afterWrite({
case BSONDocument(_) => BSONDocument("s" -> "Writer Overrided")
}: PartialFunction[BSONDocument, BSONDocument])

val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[I]("Ied", kWriter)
val justForTestTags: Any => Set[String] = {
case "A" => Set("TagA")
case _ => Set("TagN")

val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[I]("Ied", justForTestTags)

eventAdapter.tags("A") should contain ("TagA")
eventAdapter.tags("x") should contain ("TagN")
val anInstance = I(K("k"))
Expand All @@ -61,20 +69,23 @@ class EventAdapterFactorySpec extends FlatSpec {

it should "add unsupported Mapping" in {

val writer: BSONWriter[Map[Day, String]] = (t: Map[Day, String]) => Success(BSONDocument( => e._1.toString -> BSONString(e._2))))
val reader: BSONReader[Map[Day, String]] = _.asTry[BSONDocument].map( => Day(e._1) -> e._2.asOpt[String].get))
implicit val writer: BSONWriter[Map[Day, String]] = (t: Map[Day, String]) => Success(BSONDocument( => e._1.toString -> BSONString("Value_" + e._2))))
implicit val reader: BSONReader[Map[Day, String]] = _.asTry[BSONDocument].map( => Day(e._1) -> e._2.asOpt[String].get))

val dayMapping = new BSONReader[Day] with BSONWriter[Day] {
implicit val dayMapping = new BSONReader[Day] with BSONWriter[Day] {
override def readTry(bson: BSONValue): Try[Day] = bson.asTry[String].map(Day(_))

override def writeTry(t: Day): Try[BSONValue] = Success(BSONString(t.toString))

val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[L]("Led", writer, reader, dayMapping)
val tags = Set("aTag")
val eventAdapter = EventAdatpterFactory.adapt[L]("Led", tags)
val document = eventAdapter.payloadToBson(L(Map(Monday -> "A"), Sunday))
val payload = eventAdapter.bsonToPayload(document)

eventAdapter.tags(payload) should contain("aTag") shouldBe Sunday
payload.m.head._2 shouldBe "Value_A"

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89 changes: 35 additions & 54 deletions macros/src/main/scala/org/nullvector/EventAdapterMacroFactory.scala
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Expand Up @@ -19,14 +19,33 @@ private object EventAdapterMacroFactory {

def adapt[E](context: blackbox.Context)
(withManifest: context.Expr[String], overrideMappings: context.Expr[Any]*)
def adaptWithTags[E](context: blackbox.Context)(withManifest: context.Expr[String], tags: context.Expr[Set[String]])
(implicit eventTypeTag: context.WeakTypeTag[E]): context.Expr[EventAdapter[E]] = {
import context.universe._
buildAdapterExpression(context)(withManifest, q"override def tags(payload: Any) = $tags")

def adaptWithPayload2Tags[E](context: blackbox.Context)(withManifest: context.Expr[String], tags: context.Expr[Any => Set[String]])
(implicit eventTypeTag: context.WeakTypeTag[E]): context.Expr[EventAdapter[E]] = {
import context.universe._
buildAdapterExpression(context)(withManifest, q"override def tags(payload: Any) = $tags(payload)")

def adapt[E](context: blackbox.Context)(withManifest: context.Expr[String])
(implicit eventTypeTag: context.WeakTypeTag[E]): context.Expr[EventAdapter[E]] = {
buildAdapterExpression(context)(withManifest, context.universe.EmptyTree)

private def buildAdapterExpression[E](context: blackbox.Context)
(withManifest: context.Expr[String],
tags: context.universe.Tree
(implicit eventTypeTag: context.WeakTypeTag[E]): context.Expr[EventAdapter[E]] = {

import context.universe._
val eventType = eventTypeTag.tpe
val eventAdapterTypeName = TypeName(eventType.toString + "EventAdapter")
val handlers: Seq[context.Tree] = implicitMappingsFor(context)(eventType, overrideMappings)
val handlers: Seq[context.Tree] = implicitMappingsFor(context)(eventType)
val code =
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
Expand All @@ -35,71 +54,33 @@ private object EventAdapterMacroFactory {
override def payloadToBson(payload: $eventType): BSONDocument = BSON.writeDocument(payload).get
override def bsonToPayload(doc: BSONDocument): $eventType = BSON.readDocument[$eventType](doc).get
new $eventAdapterTypeName

private def implicitMappingsFor(context: blackbox.Context)
(eventType: context.universe.Type,
overrideMappings: Seq[context.Expr[Any]]
): List[context.universe.Tree] = {
import context.universe._
val caseClassTypes = extractCaseTypes(context)(eventType).toList.reverse.distinct
val (overridesMap, nonOverrides) = overrideMappings
// partitionMap is not implementend in scala 2.12
.map(expr => expr.actualType.typeArgs.intersect(caseClassTypes) match {
case Nil => Right(expr)
case ::(head, _) => Left(head -> expr)
.map((a, b) => -> // using left and rigth for scala 2.12 compatibility =>
ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.IMPLICIT | Flag.PRIVATE), TermName(context.freshName()), TypeTree(expr.actualType), expr.tree)
).toList :::
caseClassTypes.flatMap { caseType =>
overridesMap.get(caseType) match {
case Some(overrides) => buildImplicitDeclarations(context)(TypeTree(caseType),
case None => buildImplicitDeclarations(context)(TypeTree(caseType), Nil)

private def validateMappings(context: blackbox.Context)
(overrides: Seq[context.Expr[Any]]): Unit = {
import context.universe._
val bsonWrtterType = context.typeOf[BSONWriter[_]]
val bsonReaderType = context.typeOf[BSONReader[_]]

overrides.foreach(expr =>
if (!(expr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONReader[_]] || expr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONWriter[_]])) {
s""" Type ${expr.actualType} in override mapping list is no valid.
|Must extends from ${typeOf[BSONReader[_]]} or ${typeOf[BSONWriter[_]]} or both.""".stripMargin)

private def buildImplicitDeclarations(context: blackbox.Context)
caseType: context.universe.TypeTree,
overrides: List[context.Expr[Any]]
): List[context.universe.Tree] = {
import context.universe._
val caseClassTypes = extractCaseTypes(context)(eventType).toList.reverse.distinct

val valDefs = =>
ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.IMPLICIT | Flag.PRIVATE), TermName(context.freshName()), TypeTree(expr.actualType), expr.tree))
val implicitHandler = overrides match {
case Nil => List(q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONDocumentHandler[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]")
case ::(overr, Nil) if (overr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONReader[_]] && overr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONWriter[_]]) => Nil
case ::(overr, Nil) if overr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONReader[_]] =>
List(q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONWriter[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]")
case ::(overr, Nil) if overr.actualType <:< typeOf[BSONWriter[_]] =>
List(q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONReader[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]")
case _ => Nil
caseClassTypes.collect {
case caseType if context.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(bsonWrtterType, caseType)).isEmpty &&
context.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(bsonReaderType, caseType)).isEmpty =>
q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONDocumentHandler[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]"
case caseType if !context.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(bsonReaderType, caseType)).isEmpty =>
q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONWriter[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]"
case caseType if !context.inferImplicitValue(appliedType(bsonWrtterType, caseType)).isEmpty =>
q" private implicit val ${TermName(context.freshName())}: BSONReader[$caseType] = Macros.handler[$caseType]"
implicitHandler ::: valDefs

private def extractCaseTypes(context: blackbox.Context)
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@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package org.nullvector

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.macros.{blackbox, whitebox}

object EventAdatpterFactory {

def adapt[E](withManifest: String, overrideMappings: Any*): EventAdapter[E] = macro EventAdapterMacroFactory.adapt[E]
def adapt[E](withManifest: String): EventAdapter[E] = macro EventAdapterMacroFactory.adapt[E]

def adapt[E](withManifest: String, tags: Any => Set[String]): EventAdapter[E] = macro EventAdapterMacroFactory.adaptWithPayload2Tags[E]

def adapt[E](withManifest: String, tags: Set[String]): EventAdapter[E] = macro EventAdapterMacroFactory.adaptWithTags[E]


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