The publicationsscraper
R package offers tools to retrieve research
publications from Google Scholar and ORCID, along with CRAN package
download statistics. It is tailored for academic researchers in the EBS
department who wish to consolidate and analyze their research outputs,
while also monitoring their contributions to CRAN, including publication
updates and downloads.
The main functions included are: - find_cran_packages
: Searches for
CRAN packages by an author’s first and last name and returns relevant
package information such as the number of downloads and last update
date. - get_publications
: Retrieves publications from both Google
Scholar and ORCID based on provided IDs. - get_all_publications
Retrieves publications from multiple authors. - cran_all_pubs
Combines CRAN package data for multiple authors.
To install this package, you can clone the repository and load the package using:
# Clone the repository
git clone <>
# Install required packages
install.packages(c("pkgsearch", "tibble", "dplyr", "stringr", "scholar", "rorcid"))
# Load the package
This function retrieves information about CRAN packages authored by a specified individual. It returns a data frame containing the package name, number of downloads, the authors, and the last update date.
find_cran_packages("Michael", "Lydeamore")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#> name downloads authors last_update_date
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 condensr 199 "Michael Lydeamore [aut, cre] (<ht… 2023-08-30T14:5…
#> 2 HospitalNetwork 229 "Pascal Crépey [aut, cre, cph],\nT… 2023-02-27T07:2…
#> 3 cardinalR 181 "Jayani P.G. Lakshika [aut, cre]\n… 2024-04-16T08:0…
#> 4 quollr 166 "Jayani P.G. Lakshika [aut, cre]\n… 2024-03-05T10:0…
This function retrieves research publications from Google Scholar and ORCID, combining the results into a single data frame. It allows for flexibility in querying either platform based on the availability of IDs.
#Example 1: Retrieve publications from both ORCID and Google Scholar
get_publications("0000-0002-2140-5352", "vamErfkAAAAJ")
#> # A tibble: 685 × 5
#> title DOI authors publication_year journal_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Forecasting: principles and prac… <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "OTexts"
#> 2 Forecasting methods and applicat… <NA> S Makr… NA "John Wiley…
#> 3 Another look at measures of fore… <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "Internatio…
#> 4 Automatic time series forecastin… <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "Journal of…
#> 5 Forecasting with exponential smo… <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "Springer V…
#> 6 Detecting trend and seasonal cha… <NA> J Verb… NA "Remote sen…
#> 7 forecast: Forecasting functions … <NA> RJ Hyn… NA ""
#> 8 25 years of time series forecast… <NA> JG De … NA "Internatio…
#> 9 Sample quantiles in statistical … <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "The Americ…
#> 10 A state space framework for auto… <NA> RJ Hyn… NA "Internatio…
#> # ℹ 675 more rows
#Example 2: Retrieve publications only from Google Scholar
get_publications(NA, "vamErfkAAAAJ")
#> # A tibble: 353 × 5
#> title DOI authors publication_year journal_name
#> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Forecasting: principles and prac… NA RJ Hyn… NA "OTexts"
#> 2 Forecasting methods and applicat… NA S Makr… NA "John Wiley…
#> 3 Another look at measures of fore… NA RJ Hyn… NA "Internatio…
#> 4 Automatic time series forecastin… NA RJ Hyn… NA "Journal of…
#> 5 Forecasting with exponential smo… NA RJ Hyn… NA "Springer V…
#> 6 Detecting trend and seasonal cha… NA J Verb… NA "Remote sen…
#> 7 forecast: Forecasting functions … NA RJ Hyn… NA ""
#> 8 25 years of time series forecast… NA JG De … NA "Internatio…
#> 9 Sample quantiles in statistical … NA RJ Hyn… NA "The Americ…
#> 10 A state space framework for auto… NA RJ Hyn… NA "Internatio…
#> # ℹ 343 more rows
#Example 3: Retrieve publications only from ORCID
get_publications("0000-0002-2140-5352", NA)
#> # A tibble: 332 × 5
#> title DOI authors publication_year journal_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Cross-temporal probabilistic for… 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 2 Forecast reconciliation: A review 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 3 Forecasting system's accuracy: A… 10.1… <NA> NA Applied Sto…
#> 4 Hierarchical Time Series Forecas… 10.1… <NA> NA Journal of …
#> 5 Obituary: Everette S Gardner Jr 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 6 Probabilistic forecast reconcili… 10.1… <NA> NA European Jo…
#> 7 Probabilistic forecast reconcili… 10.1… <NA> NA European Jo…
#> 8 Conditional normalization in tim… <NA> <NA> NA ArXiv
#> 9 Cross-temporal Probabilistic For… <NA> <NA> NA ArXiv
#> 10 Forecast combinations: An over 5… 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> # ℹ 322 more rows
This function takes a data frame of authors, each with an ORCID ID and a Google Scholar ID, and returns their combined publications.
authors_df <- tibble::tibble(
orcid_id = c("0000-0002-2140-5352", "0000-0002-1825-0097", NA, "0000-0001-5109-3700"),
scholar_id = c(NA, "vamErfkAAAAJ", "4bahYMkAAAAJ", NA)
#> # A tibble: 1,111 × 5
#> title DOI authors publication_year journal_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 Cross-temporal probabilistic for… 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 2 Forecast reconciliation: A review 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 3 Forecasting system's accuracy: A… 10.1… <NA> NA Applied Sto…
#> 4 Hierarchical Time Series Forecas… 10.1… <NA> NA Journal of …
#> 5 Obituary: Everette S Gardner Jr 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> 6 Probabilistic forecast reconcili… 10.1… <NA> NA European Jo…
#> 7 Probabilistic forecast reconcili… 10.1… <NA> NA European Jo…
#> 8 Conditional normalization in tim… <NA> <NA> NA ArXiv
#> 9 Cross-temporal Probabilistic For… <NA> <NA> NA ArXiv
#> 10 Forecast combinations: An over 5… 10.1… <NA> NA Internation…
#> # ℹ 1,101 more rows
This function retrieves CRAN package download statistics for multiple authors by their first and last names.
cran_authors <- tibble::tibble(
first_name = c("Michael", "Rob"),
last_name = c("Lydeamore", "Hyndman")
#> # A tibble: 42 × 4
#> name downloads authors last_update_date
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 condensr 199 "Michael Lydeamore [aut, cre] (<h… 2023-08-30T14:5…
#> 2 HospitalNetwork 229 "Pascal Crépey [aut, cre, cph],\n… 2023-02-27T07:2…
#> 3 cardinalR 181 "Jayani P.G. Lakshika [aut, cre]\… 2024-04-16T08:0…
#> 4 quollr 166 "Jayani P.G. Lakshika [aut, cre]\… 2024-03-05T10:0…
#> 5 forecast 207836 "Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph] (<ht… 2024-06-20T02:1…
#> 6 rmarkdown 1023668 "JJ Allaire [aut],\nYihui Xie [au… 2024-08-17T03:5…
#> 7 hdrcde 9320 "Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph] (<ht… 2021-01-18T05:2…
#> 8 demography 1538 "Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph] (<ht… 2023-02-08T07:2…
#> 9 tsfeatures 20102 "Rob Hyndman [aut, cre] (<https:/… 2023-08-28T13:0…
#> 10 tsibble 29973 "Earo Wang [aut, cre] (<https://o… 2024-06-27T12:2…
#> # ℹ 32 more rows
This dataset contains mappings between researchers’ names and their respective ORCID and Google Scholar IDs. It is useful for linking and identifying academic profiles across different platforms.
#> # A tibble: 56 × 4
#> first_name last_name orcid_id gsuser_id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Akanksha Negi 0000-0003-2531-9408 Gcz8Ng0AAAAJ
#> 2 Alan Powell <NA> <NA>
#> 3 Andrew Matthews <NA> <NA>
#> 4 Ann Maharaj 0000-0002-5513-962X BZ07eocAAAAJ
#> 5 Athanasios Pantelous 0000-0001-5738-1471 ZMaiiQwAAAAJ
#> 6 Benjamin Wong 0000-0002-1665-6165 Nneg6GAAAAAJ
#> 7 Bin Peng 0000-0003-4231-4713 5d3ZOm4AAAAJ
#> 8 Bonsoo Koo 0000-0002-7247-9773 OmK08lAAAAAJ
#> 9 Brett Inder <NA> Wx6eeWgAAAAJ
#> 10 Catherine Forbes 0000-0003-3830-5865 jm73LccAAAAJ
#> # ℹ 46 more rows
This package relies on the following R packages:
- pkgsearch
- tibble
- dplyr
- stringr
- scholar
- rorcid
You can install these dependencies using install.packages()
install.packages(c("pkgsearch", "tibble", "dplyr", "stringr", "scholar", "rorcid"))
MIT License