Among Us Bot For Creating Temporary Voice Channels with Leveling System and more!
Join the bot developer's discord for help and support!
Among Us Bot is a discord bot focused on generating dynamic voice channels
- A Leveling System with a time-time changing stats leaderboard
- Ban/Kick Voice Channel feature
- Mainly made for large discord servers using a bot like this
- and more!
- Requires NodeJS installed
- Requires a typescript compiler
- If not use:
$ npm install --global typescript
- If not use:
$ git clone
$ cd amongusbot
Setup configuration on config.json
Config Details:
"prefix": "!", // Bot's prefix
"bottoken": "", // Bot's discord api token
* The Create Voice Channel ID
* Its the Channel where you click, it creates a voice channel lobby
"createChannel": "",
* The Find Voice Channel ID
* Its the Channel where you click, it finds a voice channel for you to join a lobby
"findChannel": "",
* The Moderator role ID
* The role who has permissions to manage the voice channels
"moderatorRole": "",
* The Invite Channel ID
* The channel ID where lobby invites are getting sent to
"inviteChannel": "",
* The Channel Categories
* The Categories where temporary voice channels are being made
* [Must be in Order]
* Array of string
"categories": []
$ npm run start
# or
$ node .
is required argument[]
is optional argument
Name | Description | Usage |
code | Set game code to your discord lobby! (Host Only) | code <Code> [Region] |
init | Initialize the Leaderboard channel (Admin Only) | init |
invite | Invite some users to your among us game! (Only on the InviteChannel) | invite [Party Info] |
leaderboard | Shows the leaderboard | leaderboard |
ping | pong!, dont worry, almost every bot has this command | ping |
rank | Shows your current ranking in the leaderboard | rank [User] |
vcban | Ban someone from connecting to your voice channel lobby! (Host Only) | vcban [User] |
vckick | Kick/Disconnect someone from your voice channel lobby! (Host Only) | vckick [User] |
vcpardon | Unban/Pardon someone from your voice channel lobby! (Host Only) | vcpardon [User] |
What's the default bot prefix? The default prefix is
but can be changed here
What's Host Only? Means that only the Voice Channel Host/Owner can execute that command
What's Admin Only? Means that only a Server Admin with Manage Guild permission can execute that command
What's Invite Channel Only? Means that command can only be executed in a certain text channel set in findChannel
How does the leveling system works? You get 10-20 exp per message in every 45 seconds. This can be altered if you know how ;)
This uses the formula :f(x) = 15x^2 + 50x + 150
You can check your exp and rank usingrank
Where is help command? I didn't add one, but if you want one, feel free to make a pull request
👤 oadpoaw
- Website:
- Github: @oadpoaw
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2020 oadpoaw.
This project is MIT licensed.
If you are gonna use this bot please credit me, it means alot <3