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Search API output format

tfgg edited this page Feb 16, 2012 · 5 revisions


Search functions should return an ordered list of dictionaries with the following fields when available:

  • 'title' -- The title of the paper
  • 'abstract' -- The abstract of the paper
  • 'author_names' -- Ordered list of author names
  • 'ids' -- Dictionary of available IDs for the paper, e.g. {'doi': '10.1016/j.comptc.2011.10.011'}
  • 'source_url' -- Some sort of link we can give to a scraper, presumably the article's page on the journal's website
  • 'journal' -- The name of the journal (should probably work out proper identifiers? include page etc. if known?)
  • 'date_submitted' -- Date of submission to the journal
  • 'date_accepted' -- Date of acceptance to the journal
  • 'search_source' -- The search API source, e.g. 'citeulike'
  • Any other custom fields as available, e.g. arxiv_categories

This will pretty much overlap with the format of the papers in the paper store. This will undoubtedly require modification as new cases come up.

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