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pegli edited this page Oct 12, 2012 · 5 revisions


TiCarousel is an Appcelerator Titanium module which wraps iCarousel, a simple, highly customizable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS.


  1. Copy the file to your $TITANIUM_HOME directory (usually ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium).
  2. Edit your project's tiapp.xml and add the module. Example:
    <module platform="iphone" version="1.0.1">com.obscure.ticarousel</module>


See the sample projects and the documentation.

Known Issues

All known issues with the module are tracked under the Issues tab above. Some important issues to note are:

  • The module does not currently support the use of Ti.UI.SIZE, Ti.UI.FILL, and auto for the values of height and width in item views or subviews. You must specify a numeric height and width for the item views to display correctly.
  • iCarousel's placeholder views are not yet implemented.


If you find any problems with the module or have suggestions for improvements, please file an issue.

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