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Releases: offthehandle/jQuery-Isolate

Styling and Optimization

02 Jun 03:43
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This release includes optimized DOM querying for the filter setting, an active class that gets added to a filter when it is selected, v1.0 of the CSS scaffolding with default filter styles, and updated Less source.

The updated Less source eliminates unnecessary repetition by providing selector variables (compatible with Less 1.3.1+) for the iso box and filter box to set them throughout the stylesheet and delimit styles applied by class structures to the plugin only. Variables are also provided to quickly set filter color styles like border color, background color, text color, hover and active states simply using 4 variables.

Core Functionality

24 May 02:50
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This release includes the beta tested core JS functionality of Isolate, several optional and easy-to-use grid scaffoldings (literally no programming involved), minified and uncompressed versions of the JS and CSS files with min-maps, and the LESS source. Some handy features include:

  1. Isolating a class of elements by button click (default)
  2. Filtering a class of elements by button click filter: true
  3. Scaffolding support built on Twitter Bootstrap 3 (BS) and BS 2. To lighten your load, the column classes are generated dynamically. Just specify colSpan: number[, breakpoint: string] (breakpoint affects BS 3 only) when you initialize the plugin. BS 3 is the default, but if you'd rather use 2 just pass the option version: 2
  4. You don't need to use BS—or any scaffolding at all!—but a custom grid can be called when desired in a non-BS project. Just pass the options bootstrap: false, columns: true

Oh! And you won't need rows upon rows either. Who wants their filtered elements stuck in a row, where they only move left or right? That's not a good UX!! We want them to stay tight and float up, so just wrap the elements to be filtered in a single row, and Isolate takes care of the rest for you.

A website with demos, and a CSS skin will be forthcoming.