This is a starter template to get started on writing SECURITY-CONCIOUS smart contracts.
I became tired of always setting up projects from scratch and so I created this starter file to speed up my development process.
- Hardhat
- EtherJS
- Slither
- Ethereum security Toolbox by Trail Of Bits
- Openzeppelin Contracts
- Chainlink Contracts
- @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
- @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan
- hardhat-contract-sizer
- hardhat-gas-reporter
- prettier-plugin-solidity
Here are some related topics
- Install via the command line
npm i secure-smartcontract-template
or via package.json
"secure-smartcontract-template": "1.0.2"
or fork and clone the project
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run Test
npx hardhat test
- To run slither on your smart contracts
slither .
- To run ethereum-toolbox on your smart contracts
Please Note that you should have
set up first before you can run the command below
npm run toolbox