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From Docker images to Debian bootable images and virtual machines. Learn the skills to build custom docker images and challenge "Official Docker's Best Practices"


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Why you should not follow "Best practices for writing Dockerfiles".

Docker's Best practices

Multi-stage builds

There are two claims from the Best practices I will put to the test and see if it stands up to scrutiny.

  • "Multi-stage builds are useful to anyone who has struggled to optimize Dockerfiles while keeping them easy to read and maintain."

  • "Multi-stage builds allow you to drastically reduce the size of your final image, without struggling to reduce the number of intermediate layers and files"

They say drastically reduce the size of your final image. Which means image size optimisation.

They recommend that you:

  • Use multi-stage builds

      `# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
      FROM golang:1.16-alpine AS build
      # Install tools required for project
      # Run `docker build --no-cache .` to update dependencies
      RUN apk add --no-cache git
      RUN go get
      # List project dependencies with Gopkg.toml and Gopkg.lock
      # These layers are only re-built when Gopkg files are updated
      COPY Gopkg.lock Gopkg.toml /go/src/project/
      WORKDIR /go/src/project/
      # Install library dependencies
      RUN dep ensure -vendor-only
      # Copy the entire project and build it
      # This layer is rebuilt when a file changes in the project directory
      COPY . /go/src/project/
      RUN go build -o /bin/project
      # This results in a single layer image
      FROM scratch
      COPY --from=build /bin/project /bin/project
      ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/project"]
      CMD ["--help"] `

If you are already using more than one FROM in your Dockerfile you have a problem. Yes this maybe faster in building your image but there are issues with this approach.

  • Dependencies you add with each FROM

  • Security vulnerabilities you add with each FROM

  • Maintainability of code. With each FROM you add, the code become difficult to maintain and understand.

What the best practice should be is to build your own image if you require more than one FROM in your Dockerfile.

In the following example, lets say I want to build a docker Ubuntu focal image.

Your Dockerfile will start with

FROM ubuntu:20.04

or any other Debian base image. If you seriously need to be pulling from another FROM then instead of following the recommended approach above build your own.

Assuming you are on ubuntu development platform:

1. Prerequisites

sudo apt-get install \
    binutils \
    debootstrap \
    squashfs-tools \
    xorriso \
    grub-pc-bin \
    grub-efi-amd64-bin \

2. Bootstrap base (any variant of debian you need)

 sudo debootstrap \
   --arch=amd64 \
   --variant=minbase \
   focal \
   $HOME/focal/chroot \

3. Mount points (optional)

sudo mount --bind /dev $HOME/focal/chroot/dev \
&& sudo mount --bind /run $HOME/focal/chroot/run 

4. Access focal environment

sudo chroot $HOME/focal/chroot

Now that you are inside the environment, you can install whatever you want like using RUN in your Dockerfile.

For example install docker if you want docker in docker:

cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list
deb focal main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal main restricted universe multiverse

deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse

apt-get update	&& \
apt-get install gpg curl -y && \
mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings && chmod -R 0755 /etc/apt/keyrings \
    && curl -fsSL "" \
    | gpg --dearmor --yes -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg \
    && chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg \
    && echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] focal stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends \
    docker-ce=5:20.10.17~3-0~ubuntu-focal \
    docker-ce-cli=5:20.10.17~3-0~ubuntu-focal \ docker-compose-plugin=2.6.0~ubuntu-focal \
    docker-scan-plugin=0.17.0~ubuntu-focal \
    && docker --version

Address the discrepancies between docker containers and linux virtual machines.

root           1  0.0  0.1 168900 12308 ?        Ss   Sep17   1:54 /sbin/init sp
root           2  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S    Sep17   0:00 [kthreadd]

root           1  0.0  0.0   4248  3092 pts/0    Ss   09:38   0:00 /bin/bash
root        7062  0.0  0.0  20252  4824 ?        S    10:22   0:00 /lib/systemd/
root       10152  0.0  0.0   5900  2852 pts/0    R+   13:25   0:00 ps aux
  • Linux VMs runs its init daemon as a process with PID 1.
  • Docker containers is shell or directly user-defined executable as a PID 1.

For example if you are building a bootable ubuntu image or a virtual machine image you need the kernel in the boot folder


Since it is a docker container optimization it is not needed and other unused packages.

Important to learn this skill of knowing what you only need in a docker container. Without docker installation and with unused packages lets compare the custom focal image with the official ubuntu:20.04 image.

focal        latest    e9e5ca8f9c58   11 minutes ago   113MB
ubuntu       20.04     a0ce5a295b63   2 weeks ago      72.8MB

As you can see our custom focal image contains about 40MB of installed packages compared to the official ubuntu:20.04 image.

Once you are done configuring your environment exit and unmount if you needed it.

5. Docker image

sudo tar -C $HOME/focal/chroot -c . | docker import - focal

6. Test

docker run focal cat /etc/lsb-release && docker --version
  • output:





    Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701

7. Make changes

docker commit --change='CMD ["/bin/bash"]' [containerID] [new image]

So that you can do this for example

docker run -it [new image]

Or you can now safely add FROM your own image in a Dockerfile

	FROM focal
	EXPOSE 2222
	CMD ["bin/bash"]	

8. Image size & Memory optimization

It is true that the recommended Dockerfile multi-stage builds will produce "image size reductions" for your FROM final or run stage for example:

	FROM gcc AS build
	COPY hello.c .
	RUN gcc -o hello hello.c
	FROM ubuntu
	COPY --from=build hello .
	CMD ["./hello"]

Your final image does not have the gcc image. And even further reduction if you pulled with

	FROM busybox:glibc
	COPY --from=build hello .
	CMD ["./hello"]

In this particular example your final image is about 5MB instead of 1GB with the gcc image.

Where this argument falls apart is when you point out that you could equally build with the gcc image and with build artifacts deploy with busybox:glibc image using separate stages which are not within a single Dockerfile with a cleanup of the build image. You will still arrive at the same output of 5MB. Is it really image size optimization as it is portrayed in Dockerfile's Best practices?

The True sense of optimization will mean reducing the gcc image size itself from 1GB to 5MB.

The trick here is to know what you want inside the docker image. In this specific example it comes down to build tools for the gcc image and the C shared runtime library for the busybox:glibc image. One is needed to build the hello program and the later to run it. Since you don't need build tools to run hello a smaller image with just what is needed to run hello is pulled.

You can also start by looking at what is inside the docker official images for example

official ubuntu:20.04 image

official gcc10 image

You can see that the gcc base image is actually a debian buster image

official debian buster

And this image has quite a few packages which are not needed for the hello program even when building it.

This really shows why the Best practice should be build your own image and choose your own packages.

You should apply the same logic with your custom images using the steps above for the base.

Docker layers

This is where I will get a lot of you screaming your love for docker and justification for Docker's Best Practices.

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/gcc
23858da423a6: Pull complete 
326f452ade5c: Pull complete 
a42821cd14fb: Pull complete 
8471b75885ef: Pull complete 
8ffa7aaef404: Pull complete 
0dbd3d90c419: Pull complete 
c8360ea64db4: Pull complete 
65bba72ff1de: Pull complete 
a615a380ba22: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:4f8717c532f9c07d6258e3d17faf0df97ffe0c18628d7769c1e25ca20c237a1e
Status: Downloaded newer image for gcc:latest

A quick recap of what we are talking about here. Each layer represents an instruction (i.e RUN or COPY) in the image’s Dockerfile and the docker engine will pull/push them accordingly.

Lets take our custom focal image above which is 112MB and push it to dockerhub

The push refers to repository [*****/focal]
0a56bfe65fa4: Pushed 
latest: digest: sha256:c4266a3768216451ab05a21b343740b62db219888bcf829db504e3b32b5b1bd9 size: 528

From dockerhub

56.48 MB
4 minutes ago by *****

Can you notice any thing? Yes, our custom focal image has been compressed to 56.48MB

Yes, there is an advantage in docker layering of your Dockerfile but if there are many layers which you don't need then that advantage is wasted. Taking the example of the gcc Debian buster base image above, there are quite a few packages which are unused by our simple hello example and it is common to find that in complex projects. Learn the skills to build your own images and you can then use FROM your own image to take advantage of docker's layers.


The issues of Image size & Memory optimization is a glimpse of why it is not enough to only know your DevOps automation tools or docker tricks or complex pipelines.

A successful DevOps Engineer has to know very well or take the time to understand what is to be automated. The simple hello program above is a small illustration.

When dealing with complex applications, it is a very good idea to understand how they are build, configured/run locally so that you are successful at automating them and know what you only need inside your docker images.

One skill a DevOps Engineer should definately have or learn is that of Build tools or systems for common programming languages. Choose a language and learn the build tools very well as they teach you the foundations of what libraries are needed to run the binaries inside your docker containers.

With the hello example a better optimization could be a static library

gcc -o hello hello.c -static

If this hello program was for example targeted for an embedded platform and glibc is too large, it makes sense to use a smaller static library. This could reduce the image size to 2MB or less. Care must be taken to balance the need of image size optimisation with system performance for example if you have an optimised shared library to reduced the cost of making system calls.

Multi-platform images

I started with the claim that if you have more than one From in your Dockerfile you have a problem. The steps above demonstrate why but there is an exception when it will make sense.

FROM multiarch/qemu-user-static:x86_64-aarch64 as qemu
FROM arm64v8/ubuntu
COPY --from=qemu /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin

A brief recap of what you see in this Dockerfile. What we want to achieve here is run arm64v8 platform using qemu emulator. This allow us to build/run other supported platforms other than amd64 which I use for the ubuntu development environment for all the steps above. The context here is very different from multi-stage builds for docker image size optimisation. You will still worry about what's in this image arm64v8/ubuntu and if there are packages you don't need if image size optimisation was your concern. Lets look inside the images in our example Dockerfile

As you can see the base image is FROM busybox which itself we know from above is about 1.5MB and the rest are tiny scripts to configure the hosts binfmt_misc for the target platform. If we really want to be pure and stick to one FROM in our Dockerfile the binfmt_misc scripts can be easily implemented before running a different platform.

For our custom images you will bootstrap your base for the arm64 platform with

sudo debootstrap --arch=arm64 --foreign --variant=minbase focal $HOME/arm64/chroot
sudo sh -c "tar -xpf ubuntu-base-20.04.1-base-arm64.tar.gz -C $HOME/arm64/chroot"

You will need additional pre-requisites:


Otherwise you get this error when you try to chroot into the arm64 environment:

chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: Exec format error

Exec format error is a platform issue which you resolve with this:

sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static $HOME/arm64/chroot/usr/bin/

You can then access the arm64 environment:

sudo chroot $HOME/arm64/chroot

And if you have trouble installing packages because of internet connection you can also copy host files from this folder

/run/systemd/resolve/* to $HOME/arm64/chroot/etc/

Other Dockerfile pitfalls

Generally avoid scripting a Dockerfile for the following reasons using this example:

Bash script Dockerfile

for file in ${releases_dir}*
    if [[ $file =~ qemu-(.+)-static ]]; then
	if [ "$from_arch" != "$to_arch" ]; then
	    mkdir -p "${work_dir}"
	    cp -p "${releases_dir}qemu-${to_arch}-static" ${work_dir}
	    cp -p "${work_dir}/qemu-${to_arch}-static" "${out_dir}/latest/"
	    cat > ${work_dir}/Dockerfile -<<EOF
FROM scratch
COPY qemu-${to_arch}-static /usr/bin/
	    docker build -t ${DOCKER_REPO}:$from_arch-$to_arch-${TAG_VER} ${work_dir}
	    for target in  "${DOCKER_REPO}:$from_arch-$to_arch" \
		"${DOCKER_REPO}:$to_arch-${TAG_VER}" \
		"${DOCKER_REPO}:$to_arch" ; do
		docker tag ${DOCKER_REPO}:$from_arch-$to_arch-${TAG_VER} ${target}
	    rm -rf "${work_dir}"

docker build -t ${DOCKER_REPO}:${TAG_VER} ${out_dir}/latest
docker tag ${DOCKER_REPO}:${TAG_VER} ${DOCKER_REPO}:latest
docker build -t ${DOCKER_REPO}:register ${out_dir}/register

What the above code snipet wants to achieve is to auto generate the target platform Dockerfile when the $from_arch platform does not match the $to_arch platform and build a tagged version ensuring the target binfmt_misc is registered. There are issues with this approach:

  • Verification
  • Maintainabilty of code

This code snipet can simply be achieved with a variable or ENV set to $to_arch

cat > ${work_dir}/Dockerfile -<<EOF
FROM scratch
COPY qemu-${to_arch}-static /usr/bin/

For verification, your Dockerfile has to be independent of the script verifying it. This is true for both Static and Dynamic verification.

Our example Dockerfile above is a simple one but if this was several lines of code which in complex projects are this will be a nightmare for maintainabilty of code and difficult to understand.

Generally try to keep to these rules:

  • Dockerfile
  • Run lint or implement any static verification
  • Scan security vulnerabilites and dependencies especially if you don't follow the one FROM rule. Another reason you should build your own images.
  • Dynamic verification to ensure requirements are met.
  • It is also important to document exceptions and failures because this is the basis of a learning process for troubleshooting.

It is worth mentioning that our example Dockerfile taken from the qemu-user-static github repository is now a [DEPRECATED] feature

The concept of "compatible images" are deprecated because multiarch/qemu-user-static can build 
and run standard multi-architecture container images without the multiarch compatible images now.

In other words they found a better way of implementation.

Useful docker commands

You can start by extracting any docker container filesystem

	ContainerID=$(docker run -d busybox /bin/true)
	docker export -o $HOME/busybox.tar ${ContainerID}

Change it locally and back to docker image with import

	tar -xf busybox.tar -C $HOME/busybox
	tar -C $HOME/busybox -c . | docker import - busybox


With the steps above you can navigate from Docker images to Debian bootable images and virtual machines.

The recommended multi-stage docker builds are meant to solve docker build issues.

They are not meant to solve your problem.

If you consider your Dockerfile as Configuration as Code, the steps above can easily be scripted and stored in a Version Control system just like with your Dockerfile.

You are also in control of what you add in your image and avoid the FROM vunerabilities.


Next: Docker to bootable linux image


From Docker images to Debian bootable images and virtual machines. Learn the skills to build custom docker images and challenge "Official Docker's Best Practices"








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