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Software Installation

Ömer Faruk ARAN edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page provides a step-by-step guide for installing and configuring the software required to integrate your Samsung HVAC units with ESPHome and Home Assistant.

Step 1: Create a New ESPHome Device

  • Begin by creating a new ESPHome device using either your Home Assistant instance or the ESPHome command line tool.
  • Utilize the configuration from our example YAML file as a starting template. Be sure to copy the essential api and ota sections into your configuration.

You can find a detailed example YAML file here.

Step 2: Deploy and Boot

  • Deploy the configured firmware to your ESP device. This can be done using ESPHome's web interface, command line, or Home Assistant.
  • Once deployed, power on the ESP device and wait for it to initialize.

Step 3: Monitor the Logs

  • Open the log viewer for your ESPHome device and monitor the output.
  • Look for yellow log messages indicating the reception of data packets. If you only see messages like [samsung_ac] ... update every 30 seconds or so, this means that no packets are being received, and there may be an issue with your wiring or configuration.

Step 4: Identify Indoor Device Addresses

  • Allow the system to run for a minute, and check for purple log messages indicating discovered indoor device addresses. These addresses will appear in the format indoor: 20.00.00, 20.00.01 or indoor: 00, 01.
  • Note these addresses, as they are required for the next configuration steps.

If you do not see these messages, please refer to the Troubleshooting page.

Step 5: Update Your YAML Configuration

  • Copy the address block containing the indoor device addresses from the log viewer.
  • Create a section for each indoor unit in your ESPHome configuration YAML using these addresses.
  • Assign meaningful names to each unit based on the rooms they control and customize the configuration properties as needed.

Step 6: Remove Unneeded Properties

  • Review your configuration to remove any unnecessary properties that are not relevant for your setup. This will help keep your configuration clean and maintainable.

Final Check

After completing the configuration, re-deploy the updated YAML to your ESP device and perform a final log check to ensure everything is working as expected.

If you encounter any issues, visit the Troubleshooting page or refer to the FAQ for further guidance.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install and configure the ESPHome Samsung HVAC component for your setup.