In data-generation.ipynb we benchmark forward and backward calls of different libraries.
Start with creating a new Conda environment. Use Python 3.10 in order to use torch.compile (3.11 not supported in Aug 2023)
conda create -n frameworks python=3.10 pip
conda activate frameworks
Then install PyTorch (adjust for your CUDA version). Instructions available here
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install the benchmarked frameworks from PyPI
pip install -r requirements.txt
At the time of testing (02/08/2023), SpikingJelly v0.0...14 contains a bug in the latest CuPy implementation, so you'll have to install from source. Hopefully they'll release v0.....15 soon.
You'll also need to install CuPy to enable it as a backend.
In addition I installed Lava-dl via Conda after the pip install
conda install lava-dl -c conda-forge
The following commands will build the docker image, generate the figures and copy them to this folder.
takes the batch size as its first argument.
./ 32
- Gregor Lenz wrote the initial version, benchmarking latency for forward and backward passes in Norse, Sinabs, snnTorch, EXODUS, Lava and SpikingJelly.
- Sumit Shreshta improved benchmarking of Lava
- Kade Heckel added Spyx benchmarks
- Cameron Barker containerized all the benchmarks and added memory benchmarks