timeline-tests is a set of test files for testing timecode and timelines. These files are kept in their own repo to be shared among multiple implementation of the same domain.
Each sequence folder contains a set of cut list formats all generated from the same source sequence.
Sequence folders are organized by the NLE that generated them: '[NLE]/[TIMELINE]'
start tc: 01:00:00:00 duration: 00:13:35:00 events: 215
This timeline contains 215 events with no respeeds, transitions or other effects and no black space. It is primarily meant as a way to generate tabl`e tests for timecode libraries.
'Many Basic Edits.json' is a semi-parsed version combining information from the .edl and .xml for deriving table-tests for timecode libraries. Timecode string values are pulled from the EDL and lined up with frame representation and time base info pulled from the FPC7XML.
The './Scripts'
directory contains a number of scripts for pulling information from
these scripts.
Generates a json file to power timecode table-tests by combining information from an FCP7XML and CMX3600 EDL of the same sequence.
Sequences must contain only 1 video track, and should not have respeeds, effects, or transitions.
python3 generate_tc_table_tests.py [xml_list_path] [edl_list_path]
Outputs: json of the same name as the xml in the same directory.