This is a repository for the frontend, backend, and cloud deployment of the PSI system. For the R library of algorithms, see the repository PSI-Library.
- Reference:
- System Paper:
- Screenshots of the site may be seen below
To run locally:
Using virtualenvwrapper, create a virtualenv and install Install dependencies:
mkvirtualenv psi pip install -r requirements/base.txt
Start rook:
In the Terminal, run:
# Note: To point to a local Haskell transform executable, use a line similar to # export TRANSFORM_HASKELL_APP_PATH=/Users/Documents/Github/PrivateZelig/transformer/transformer-exe fab run-rook
Alternatively, in R, run:
setwd ("[path to.../PSI/rook") source ("rookSetup.R")
In a separate Terminal, invoke the virtualenv and start Django:
workon psi export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=psiproject.settings.local fab run-web
workon psi export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=psiproject.settings.local python check python migrate python runserver 8080
Any port other than 8000 can be specified because rook runs on 8000.
To allow communication with rook, CORS request have to be enabled on your browser:
Enabling CORS request to local files on Chrome:
google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="[path to ../PSI/data]"
Then PSI page can be brought up as: http://localhost:8080
For any changes to his repository, please use the following workflow:
- Create a GitHub issue describing your update. Alternativley, look up the number of an existing issue.
- Example: Issue #18 is titled "Add external, static files directly to project"
- Using the
issue number
, create a new branch off of the main development branch (currently master)- Naming format for new branch:
(issue number)-some-text
- Example:
- Naming format for new branch:
- Make your updates on the new branch,
- After* your changes are made, update the new branch (e.g.
) with any updates on the main development branch (currently master). Example:git checkout master # switch to the main development branch git pull # retrieve updates from the main development branch git checkout 18-external-files # switch back to your branch git branch # sanity check: make sure you are on your branch git merge origin # bring any changes from the main development branch into your branch; resolve any conflicts # test your code
- *If you are making a change that takes days/weeks, update your branch more frequently.
- Create a pull request
- Notify @tercer or @jackmurtagh of the pull request