Releases: openenergymonitor/EmonLibCM
Releases · openenergymonitor/EmonLibCM
- Changes for V2.04: getDatalog_period() has been added, the datalogging period now has a minimum value of 0.1 s. The list of temperature sensor addresses is now ignored if first device is not a DS18B20. 'BAD_TEMPERATURE' is now returned if sensor address is made invalid during operation, and 'UNUSED_TEMPERATURE' is returned for all addresses above the number of sensors detected. The sensor power pin (if used) is now always set low after a reading, and when temperature readings are disabled. The resolution of the temperature measurements is reduced when datalogging faster than once per second is requested, and temperature measurement is disabled when datalogging faster than 5 per second is set. In the example sketches, an 'else' clause has added to "if (EmonLibCM_Ready())" to keep JeeLib alive, and a third example sketch, only for emonTx's with a RFM69CW, using the JeeLib 'Classic' message format but not using JeeLib itself, has been added. There have also been some
- Mains Frequency reporting with getLineFrequency( ) added
- energy calculation changed to use the internal clock rather than mains time.
- ADC reference source was AVCC and not selectable - ability to select using setADC_VRef( ) added (Note the warning in the documentation regarding the use of this function).