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Open Supply Hub

Open Supply Hub (OS Hub) is a tool to identify every goods production facility worldwide.



  • Clone repo
git clone
cd open-supply-hub
  • You will need to create an .env file from the provided .env.sample file.
cp .env.sample .env
  • Edit that file and add the google maps API key to GOOGLE_SERVER_SIDE_API_KEY= Reach team member for actual values.

Google Maps Platform

OS Hub requires a Google Maps Platform API key to interface with the Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API, and Maps Geocoding API.

Without an API key, facility detail maps will not load on the client and geocoding will not function on the server. The basemap will also be low-resolution and watermarked with "for development purposes only."

See Getting Started with Google Maps Platform and Get the API key for an overview on how to get setup.


Note: Google Maps Platfom requires creation of a billing account, but they offer $200 of free monthly usage, which is enough to support development.


Kick-off & start local development

  • Start up the local development environment with seeded data in the database.
  • Now you are ready for quick start the app
open http://localhost:6543

Restore the DB dump in the local Docker DB container

  1. The project containers must be running locally.
  2. Download the prod dump file.
  3. Place it in the ./dumps/ folder.
  4. Destroy the Logstash and OpenSearch Docker containers along with their Docker images. It is necessary to refill OpenSearch with new data from the DB dump after it has been restored.
  5. Connect to the local DB instance, delete all the tables, and recreate an empty DB schema to avoid conflicts during the restore using the SQL below:
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;
  1. Then run the following command in the terminal of your machine to apply the production database dump:
docker compose exec -T database pg_restore --verbose --clean --if-exists --no-acl --no-owner -d opensupplyhub -U opensupplyhub < ./dumps/[dump_name].dump
  1. After successfully completing the DB restoration, start Logstash. It will automatically start OpenSearch, as it depends on it:
docker compose up logstash

Creation of Superusers

For local development we could create a superuser by Django Shell:

  • Then, inside the container, execute
./scripts/manage createsuperuser

And add username (email) and a password.

In staging and production we do not have access to the Django Shell so granting superuser permissions to a member of the OS Hub team or development team that needs to manage the system requires the use SQL statements to adjust the permissions.

  • Connect to the staging or production database via the bastion instance
  • Run the following command
UPDATE api_user
SET is_staff = true, is_superuser = true
WHERE email ilike '{the user's email address}';
  • You should see UPDATE 1 printed to the console. If not, check the email address and verify that the user has in fact registered an account in the environment (staging or production).

Upload a list and process it

With no AWS batch service being available unless configured, list processing must be triggered manually. This requires a list to be uploaded, in this example, the list number was 16. You can get the list number by navigating, via the dashboard (http://localhost/dashboard), selecting “View Contributor Lists”, then choosing the one you uploaded, then checking the address bar field (possibly clicking on it to reveal the details), which should read http://localhost/lists/16 for a fresh installation.

./scripts/manage batch_process -a parse -l 16

Then the list needs to be approved (in the web browser). Continue by accepting the list in the web browser dashboard. Then, in the django container command line, execute geocoding and matching.

./scripts/manage batch_process -a geocode -l 16
./scripts/manage batch_process -a match -l 16

Hot Reloading 🔥

The frontend uses Create React App. When running server, the page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.

The Django app runs inside a Gunicorn worker. The worker will restart if you make changes to the code.

Debugging Django

Breakpoint debugging of the Python back-end is available via Visual Studio Code. To get started, run the Django development server and other services as well by passing the --debug flag to the server script. Note that you have to run the command below directly and not inside Docker container.

./scripts/server --debug

In Visual Studio Code, add this config to the .vscode/launch.json file:

  "configurations": [
        "name": "Debug Django",
        "type": "python",
        "request": "attach",
        "connect": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 3000
        "pathMappings": [
                "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/src/django",
                "remoteRoot": "/usr/local/src"
    // Other custom configurations

Select the "Run and Debug" view from the sidebar. At the top of the "Run and Debug" pane, click the green arrow next to the "Debug Django" menu item.


If Visual Studio Code can connect, you should see a play/pause/next menu bar in the top right of the window.

Set a breakpoint by clicking in the column next to the line numbers for a .py file. A red dot should appear. Now, if the breakpoint is hit when you visit a page of the app in the browser (note that you can access the site via the Django development server port (8081 by default) or React development server port (6543 by default)), Visual Studio Code should highlight the line in the file, the "Run and Debug" window should be populated with information about currently set variables, and execution of the code should be paused.

Embedded Maps

Three users in development have embedded map access by default. User has Embed Deluxe / Custom Embed permissions, the highest level; user has Embed+ permissions; and user has general Embed permissions, the lowest level.

In order to access the embedded map for a user with permissions, you must go to their Settings page and set up the basic map configuration, including height and width. A preview will then be available on their page, or you can visit http://localhost:6543/?embed=1&contributors=id where 'id' is the contributor's id.


Service Port
React development server 6543
Gunicorn for Django app 8081

Scripts 🧰

Name Description
infra Plan and apply remote infrastructure changes.
start_local_dev This script starts up the local development environment with seeded data in the database.
reset_database Clear development database & load fixture data including users, facility lists, matches, and facilities.
server Run docker-compose.yml services.
update Build container images and execute database migrations.
run_be_code_quality This script runs a linting check, tests, and also generates the unittest code coverage report for the Django app. The script performs the same code quality checks for the backend as those conducted during the CI pipeline, excluding code coverage comparison.
run_fe_code_quality This script performs linting and formatting checks, runs tests, and also generates the Jest code coverage report for the React app. The script performs the same code quality checks for the front-end as those conducted during the CI pipeline, excluding code coverage comparison.
run_bash_script_linter This script runs the shellcheck linter for files in the ./scripts folder. It requires the installation of the shellcheck package.

Tools ⚒️

Name Description
batch_process Given a list id argument run parse, geocode, and match via the batch_process Django management command Simulate application load balancer health checks in development POST the rows of a CSV containing facility information to the facilities API