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fe-insuree / 1.5.1

fe-insuree 1.5.1

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$ npm install @openimis/fe-insuree@1.5.1
Install via package.json:
"@openimis/fe-insuree": "1.5.1"

About this version

openIMIS Frontend Insuree reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Insuree reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3 Total alerts

Main Menu Contributions

  • Insurees and Policies (insuree.mainMenu translation key)

    Add Family/Group ( translation key), displayed if user has the right 101002

    Families/Group ( translation key), displayed if user has the right 101001

    Insurees ( key), displayed if user has the right 101101

Other Contributions

  • core.AppBar: [Enquiry], registering the enquiry search input (and related dialog) to the AppBar
  • insuree.InsureeSummaryAvatar: [InsureeAvatar], contributing to own contribution point and register the default Avatar loading component to InsureeSummary
  • insuree.InsureeSummaryExt: [InsureeFirstServicePoint],contributing to own contribution point and register the default the First Service Point as insuree summary extension
  • insuree.Family.panels: [InsureeFirstServicePointPanel], contributing to own contribution point and adding First Service Point contribution when creating a new Family (and the head insuree along)
  • insuree.Insuree.panels: [InsureeFirstServicePointPanel], contributing to own contribution point and adding First Service Point contribution when creating a new Insuree
  • insuree.InsureePage.panels: [InsureeMasterPanel, InsureeFirstServicePointPanel], contributing to own contribution point and register the defaults MasterPanel and First Service Point as panels of Insuree Page
  • core.Router: registering the insuree/create, insuree/families, insuree/insurees, insuree/cappedItemService and insuree/profile routes in openIMIS client-side router
  • invoice.SubjectAndThirdpartyPicker, providing Insuree picker and Family picker for Invoice module

Available Contribution Points

  • insuree.MainMenu: ability to add entries within the main menu entry (known usage: openimis-fe-policy)
  • insuree.InsureeSummaryAvatar: ability to add (replace default?) component dedicated to load the insuree avatar (left side of the summary)
  • insuree.InsureeSummaryCore: ability to add components to the insuree summary primary panel
  • insuree.InsureeSummaryExt: ability to add (replace default?) component to extend insuree summary (right side)
  • insuree.InsureeSummary: ability to extend the insuree summary (Grid rows below)

Published Components

  • insuree.InsureePicker, ability to search and select an insuree (via searcher dialog)
  • insuree.InsureeChfIdPicker, ability to select an insuree, from his (exact) CHFID
  • insuree.InsureeNumberInput, input that validates the insuree's number with the server
  • insuree.InsureeOfficerPicker, picker (select drop down) for insuree (enrolment) officers
  • insuree.InsureeGenderPicker, picker (drop down) for available insuree genders (male, female, other)
  • insuree.InsureeMaritalStatusPicker, picker (drop down) for available insuree martial status
  • insuree.EducationPicker, picker (drop down) for available educations
  • insuree.ProfessionPicker, picker (drop down) for available profesions
  • insuree.IdentificationTypePicker, picker (drop down) for available identification types (passport,...)
  • insuree.ConfirmationTypePicker, picker (drop down) for available identification confirmation type
  • insuree.FamilyPovertyStatusPicker, picker (drop down) for available poverty status
  • insuree.FamilyTypePicker, picker (drop down) for available family types
  • insuree.PhotoStatusPicker, picker (drop down) for available photo status
  • insuree.RelationPicker, picker (drop down) for available relation in family (spouse,...)
  • insuree.Avatar, loading insuree Avatar (from legacy openIMIS, via /photo/ URL). This component is the default contribution to insuree.InsureeSummaryAvatar
  • insuree.Summary: component displaying an insuree summary (highly extensible via contribution point). Known usage: Enquiry dialog
  • insuree.InsureeFirstServicePointDisplay, Grid container displaying (compact readonly version) insuree first service point (insuree primary Health Facility, District and Region). This component is the default contribution to insuree.InsureeSummaryExt
  • insuree.InsureeFirstServicePointPanel, Grid container displaying (full, editable) insuree first service point (insuree primary Health Facility, District and Region).
  • insuree.FamilySummary, Paper component displaying insuree family information. Can be added to insuree.InsureeSummary contribution point (cfr. Nepali 'setup')
  • insuree.ProfileLink, Link to legacy insuree Profile page. Can be added to insuree.InsureeSummary contribution point (cfr. Nepali 'setup')
  • insuree.CappedItemServiceLink, Link to legacy insuree Capped Items and Services page. Can be added to insuree.InsureeSummary contribution point (cfr. Nepali 'setup')

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • INSUREE_ENQUIRY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: fetching insuree main information (Known usage: enquiry dialog)
  • INSUREE_FAMILY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: fetching insuree family information (Known usage: insuree.FamilySummary component)
  • INSUREE_INSUREES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: fetching insurees with filter (CHFID, Name and/or OtherName). Known usage: insuree.InsureePicker

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)

Configurations Options

  • debounceTime: debounce time (in ms) before triggering the search in insuree picker (Default: 800)
  • insureeForm.chfIdMaxLength, the max size of an insuree CHF ID, default 12;
  • filterFamiliesOnMembers, ability to filter families by its members data (chfid, last names,...), default: true
  • canCancelPoliciesOnChangeInsureeFamily, allow user to cancel existing insuree's policies when changing an insuree from family; default: true
  • canKeepPoliciesOnChangeInsureeFamily, allow user to keep existing insuree's policies active when changing an insuree from family; default: true
  • canCancelPoliciesOnRemoveInsureeFromFamily, allow user to cancel existing insuree's policies when removing an insuree from a family; default: true
  • canKeepPoliciesOnRemoveInsureeFromFamily, allow user to keep existing insuree's policies active when removing an insuree from a family; default: true
  • familyInsureesOverview.rowsPerPageOptions, available rows per page options in insuree overview within family page; default: [5, 10, 20]
  • familyInsureesOverview.defaultPageSize, opening rows per page displayed in insuree overview within family page, default: 5
  • familyFilter.rowsPerPageOptions, available rows per page options in family searcher; default: [10, 20, 50, 100]
  • familyFilter.defaultPageSize, opening rows per page displayed in family searcher; default: 10
  • insureeFilter.rowsPerPageOptions, available rows per page options in insuree searcher; default: [10, 20, 50, 100]
  • insureeFilter.defaultPageSize, opening rows per page displayed in insuree searcher; default: 10
  • EducationPicker.selectThreshold, threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in eduction picker, default: 10
  • ProfessionPicker.selectThreshold, threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in profession picker, default: 10
  • InsureeOfficer.selectThreshold, threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in insuree officer picker, default: 10
  • RelationPicker.selectThreshold, threshold to switch from combo box to drop down options in family relation picker, default: 10



  • fe-insuree-1.5.1.tgz

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