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fe-policy / 1.5.1

fe-policy 1.5.1

Install from the command line:
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$ npm install @openimis/fe-policy@1.5.1
Install via package.json:
"@openimis/fe-policy": "1.5.1"

About this version

openIMIS Frontend Policy reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Policy reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3 Total alerts

Main Menu Contributions


Other Contributions

  • core.Router: registering policy/policies routes in openIMIS client-side router

  • insuree.MainMenu:

    Policies (menu.policies translation key)

  • insuree.EnquiryDialog: [FamilyOrInsureePoliciesSummary, InsureeEligibilityEnquiry, InsureeEligibilitySummary], adding the (family) policies details, ability to query eligibility on an item and service and remaining counts and amounts to enquiry dialog (of insuree module)

  • insuree.FamilyOverview.panels: [FamilyOrInsureePoliciesSummary], policy section in the family overview

Available Contribution Points

  • policy.Filter, contributions point for the filter (searcher page)
  • policy.Policy, contributions point for the policy master panel (in policy page)
  • policy.Policy.panels, contributions point to add panels below the policy master panel (in policy page)
  • policy.PolicyValues, contributions point for the policy values panel (in policy page)
  • policy.PolicyValues.panels, contributions point to add panels below the policy values panel (in policy page)

Published Components

  • policy.PolicyOfficerPicker, picker for policy officers (from the database)
  • policy.PolicyStatusPicker, picker for the policy status (idle, ready, active, suspended or expired), from (translated) constants (1, 2, 4, 8 or 16)
  • policy.PolicyStagePicker, picker for policy stages (new or renew), from (translated) constants (N or R)
  • policy.FamilyOrInsureePoliciesSummary, insuree (family) policies summary (by default contributed to insuree enquiry dialog)
  • policy.InsureeEligibilitySummary, querying insuree eligibility to an item and service (by default contributed to insuree enquiry dialog)
  • policy.InsureeEligibilityEnquiry, remaining counts and amounts of insuree (by default contributed to insuree enquiry dialog)
  • policy.InsureePolicyEligibilitySummary, summary (expiry date and balance) of the last still valid insuree policy

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • POLICY_INSUREE_POLICIES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, loading insuree policies summary (GraphQL: policiesByFamilyOrInsuree)
  • POLICY_INSUREE_ITEM_ELIGIBILITY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, query insuree eligibility for an item (GraphQL: policyItemEligibilityByInsuree)
  • POLICY_INSUREE_SERVICE_ELIGIBILITY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, query insuree eligibility for a service (GraphQL: policyServiceEligibilityByInsuree)
  • POLICY_INSUREE_ELIGIBILITY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, insuree eligibility summary (GraphQL: policyEligibilityByInsuree)
  • POLICY_FAMILY_POLICIES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching the policies of the (redux) family into the redux state
  • POLICY_POLICY_OFFICERS_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching the policy officers (cached into PolicyOfficerPicker)
  • POLICY_POLICIES_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching policies (as triggered by the searcher)
  • POLICY_POLICY_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching one policy (full details)... as for the policy page
  • POLICY_FETCH_POLICY_VALUES__{REQ|RESP|ERR}, request backend the policy (being created/updated) values (start date, expiry date and value)
  • POLICY_MUTATION_REQ, sending a mutation (create, update, nenew, suspend or delete)
  • POLICY_MUTATION_ERR, failed submitting a mutation
  • POLICY_{CREATE|UPDATE|RENEW|SUSPEND|DELETE}_POLICY_RESP, create policy mutation response (i.e. when successfull)

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)
  • state.insuree, loading insuree policies (,eligibility,...)

Configurations Options




  • fe-policy-1.5.1.tgz

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