ROS1 (melodic/noetic) | ROS2 (rolling/humble/iron/jazzy) | ROS2 (galactic/foxy)
ROS Version | Build Status (Linux) |
ROS1 (melodic/noetic) | |
ROS2 (rolling/humble/iron/jazzy) | |
ROS2 (galactic/foxy) |
This ROS package provide support for all Ouster sensors with FW v2.0 or later. Upon launch the
driver will configure and connect to the selected sensor device, once connected the driver will
handle incoming IMU and lidar packets, decode lidar frames and publish corresponding ROS messages
on the topics of /ouster/imu
and /ouster/points
. In the case the used sensor supports dual
return and it was configured to use this capability, then another topic will published named
which corresponds to the second point cloud.
The driver supports the following list of Ouster sensors:
You can obtain detailed specs sheet about the sensors and obtain updated FW through the website downloads section.
This package only supports Melodic and Noetic ROS distros. Please refer to ROS online documentation on how to setup ros on your machine before proceeding with the remainder of this guide.
In addition to the base ROS installation, the following ROS packages are required:
sudo apt install -y \
ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-ros \
is either melodic
or noetic
package is optional in case you didn't need to visualize the point cloud using rviz but remember to always setviz
launch arg tofalse
Additional dependenices:
sudo apt install -y \
build-essential \
libeigen3-dev \
libjsoncpp-dev \
libspdlog-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
You may choose a different ssl backend for the curl library such aslibcurl4-gnutls-dev
To use the PCAP replay mode you need to havelibpcap-dev
To build the driver using ROS you need to clone the project into the src
folder of a catkin workspace
as shown below:
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules
Next to compile the driver you need to source the ROS environemt into the active termainl:
source /opt/ros/<ros-distro>/setup.bash # replace ros-distro with 'melodic' or 'noetic'
Finally, invoke catkin_make
command from within the catkin workspace as shown below:
cd catkin_ws
catkin_make --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Specifying Release
as the build type is important to have a reasonable performance of the driver.
The package supports three modes of interaction, you can connect to a live sensor, replay a recorded bag or record a new bag file using the corresponding launch files. Recently, we have added a new mode that supports multicast. The commands are listed below:
The driver offers two launch files to connect to an Ouster sensor: sensor.launch
; they differ in terms of how the processing of incoming packets is performed.
spawns three nodelets, one to connect to the sensor and publishes raw packets to
the two other nodelets which handles converting them into Imu, Image and PointCloud2
messages. Meanwhile, driver.launch
file spawn a single nodelet that handles all of these tasks.
You can invoke the two files in the same way. The following line shows how to run the node using
roslaunch ouster_ros driver.launch \
sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name> \
metadata:=<json file name> # optional
offers better performance and reduced overhead on the ROS bus, thus it is preferred
over sensor.launch
. sensor.launch
is mainly provided for backward compatibilty.
Note: If you observe parts of the scan missing is missing, this suggests having a lots of dropped packets It is recommended that you increase the maximum allowed size for receive memory buffers in network subsystem, you can do so by running the script
Note As of package version 8.1, specifiying metadata file is optional since the introduction of the metadata topic
roslaunch ouster_ros record.launch \
sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name> \
bag_file:=<optional bag file name> \
metadata:=<json file name> # optional
Note As of package version 8.1, specifiying metadata file is optional if the bag file being replayed already contains the metadata topic
roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch \
bag_file:=<path to rosbag file> \
metadata:=<json file name> # optional if bag file has /metadata topic
Note To use this feature you need to compile the driver with
option enabled
roslaunch ouster_ros replay_pcap.launch \
pcap_file:=<path to ouster pcap file> \
metadata:=<json file name> # required
The multicast launch mode supports configuring the sensor to broadcast lidar packets from the same
sensor (live) to multiple active clients. You initiate this mode by using sensor_mtp.launch
to start the node. You will need to specify a valid multicast group for the udp_dest argument
which the sensor is going to broadcast data to it. You will also need to set mtp_main argument
to true, this is need to configure the sensor with the specified udp_dest and any other
sensor settings. You can control on which ip (IP4 only) you wish to receive the data on this machine
from the multicast group using the mtp_dest argument
roslaunch ouster_ros sensor_mtp.launch \
sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name> \
udp_dest:=<multicast group ip (ipv4)> \
mtp_main:=true \
mtp_dest:=<client ip to receive data> # mtp_dest is optional
Using a different machine that belongs to the same netwok subnet, you can start another instance of the client to start receiving sensor messages through the multicast group as shown below (note that mtp_main is set to false):
roslaunch ouster_ros sensor_mtp.launch \
sensor_hostname:=<sensor host name> \
udp_dest:=<multicast group ip (ipv4)> \
mtp_main:=false \
mtp_dest:=<client ip to receive data> # mtp_dest is optional
Note: In both cases the mtp_dest is optional and if left unset the client will utilize the first available interface.
Each of the previously mentioned launch files include a variety of launch arguments that helps the
user customize the driver behaivor. To view the arguments that each launch file provides and their
purpose pass --ros-args
along with the specific launch file that you are interested in. For
example, to view launche arguments of the driver.launch
use the following command:
roslaunch ouster_ros driver.launch --ros-args
The command should list all available arguments, whether they are optional or required and the description and posible values of each argument.
New launch file parameter:
point_type: This parameter allows to customize the point cloud that the
driver produces through its /ouster/points
topics. Choose one of the following
: This uses the original point representationouster_ros::Point
of the ouster-ros driver.native
: directly maps all fields as published by the sensor to an equivalent point cloud representation with the additon of ring and timestamp
: the simplest point type, only has {x, y, z}xyzi
: same as xyz point type but adds intensity (signal) field. this type is not compatible with the low data profile.xyzir
: same as xyzi type but adds ring (channel) field. this type is same as Velodyne point cloud type this type is not compatible with the low data profile.
To execute any of the following service, first you need to open a new terminal
and source the castkin workspace again by running the command:
source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To get metadata while connected to a live sensor or during a replay session invoke the following command:
rosservice call /ouster/get_metadata
To get the current config of a live sensor, invoke the command:
rosservice call /ouster/get_config
To change config via a file while connected to a live sensor, invoke the command:
rosservice call /ouster/set_config "config_file: '<path to sensor config>'"
Note Changing settings is not yet fully support during a reset operation (more on this)
For further detailed instructions refer to the main guide