Reasoning and Acting (ReAct) distillation from GPT4 to a small open source model
- Set the GPT api_key in the OpenaiBase class
- Set the GPT api_key in the AzureBase class
- Set the Palm google_api_key in the GoogleBase class
- Set hugging_face_aut in the HuggingFaceAuth class
- Set PineCone database api_key in the PineconeEnv class
- Source: python, noteboks
- Data: producs included, HotPot evaluation dataset not due to size
- Dependencies
- Notebooks with step-wise development
- Key notebook with LLM Tool that performs discrete information retrieval
- Also present, LLM conversational agent with tools: future paper
- Load this notebook in Colab: ReAct-Chatbot-ToolSet.ipynb (found in source/main/ipynb)
- Within the notebook set the google drive work_dir, where GitHome is instantiated
- Running the notebook will clone the repository from GitHub into Google Drive
- See sub-section Exploratory Query
- See sub-section Complex Direct Queries