: composite manager for shadows and transparency
: clipboard manager for sending screenshot to clipboard
: Sound system for POSTIX OSes.
: to use import
command for screenshots.
: command line calculator
sudo apt install xcompmgr xclip pulseaudio-utils graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat qalc
: same as feh
but use a url to fetch random wallpapers. copy it to system PATH
: lock i3 with random images from a path. copy it to system PATH
: my personal i3 config file. copy it to ~/.config/i3/config
(Debian) or ~/.i3/config
custom shortcuts:
- CalculatorKey: open qalc calculator
- Super + Z: go to workspace 16 (my personal workspace)
- Super + PrintScreen: create a screenshot and save it to
- Super + Shift + PrintScreen: create a screenshot and send it to clipboard
- Super + Esc: focus on child
- Super + Pageup/Pagedown: go to next/perv workspace
- Super + /: pause or play spotify (you need to install sp)
- Super + <: play previous song in spotify (you need to install sp)
- Super + >: play next in song spotify (you need to install sp)
- [Super +] Volumeup/Volumedown: volume up/down
- Super + c: clipboard manager (you should install clipmenu)
- Super + Shift + x: move a window to scratchpad
- Super + x: show windows in scratchpad
: custom i3 bar status. this file auto loaded if copied to ~/.i3status.conf
: some custom config for better font rendering. copy it to ~/.Xresources
and restart your X session.
: this directory contains some config files for device input management like synaptic touchpad manager (tap to click, two finger tap to right click) and etc. copy this folder to /etc/X11/
and restart your X session.