NB: This is still in early development. Use v1 unless you want to contribute to the next version of fastfm
To learn more about the library, read our introduction in the paper presenting it.
Note that c++ dependencies are in a submodule, so to clone with all dependencies included, you should use:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/palaimon/fastfm2
We infrequently push wheels to pypi that you can install with pip install fastfm2
You can build the latest version from source (requires cmake>=3.12
) by first compiling the c++ library from the project root directory:
then install fastfm2 python lib locally:
pip install .
Also you can build python wheels:
pip wheel . --no-deps -w wheelhouse
delocate-wheel -w fixed_macos_whls wheelhouse/fastfm*.whl
pip wheel . --no-deps -w wheelhouse
auditwheel repair wheelhouse/fastfm-*.whl
used instead delocate
For development we use poetry as dependency managmer:
poetry install
and wheels:
poetry build
To run the tests launch:
For the tests to run, you'll need to install the following optional dependency:
pip install pytest