You can use it to create a repository. You can create a local repository with another repository (for example in GitHub) if you give its adress.
If you give an adress, you can push with the push
You can also create a void repository in a new folder with the new
gitcreate [new <name of the new folder>] [<adress of other repository> [push]] [upstream <adress "upstream">]
You can use it to make other push to the origin repository. It add files to .git, it commit and it push.
gitpush <commit message> [branch, default master]
It is similar of gitpush, but it avoids non-fast-forwards with a pull before the push.
It is recommanded if there are several contributors in your repository.
gitppush <commit message> [branch, default master]
You can use it if you want to push to make a pull request. An upstream adress is necessary.
It creates a new branch to pull.
If you give a commit message as second argument, it will push.
gitprpush <name of the new branch> [<commit message>]
You can use it to solve conflicts (non-fast-forward). You can solve with some options :
- reclone : reclone the origin repository (or other) in the actual repertory.
fasforwards reclone <origin repository (or other)>
- forcepush : push force your changes in the repository.
fastforwards forcepush <branch>
- pull : pull the origin repository.
fastforwards pull
- pullandpush : Recommanded option. Pull the origin repository and push the result.
fastforwards pullandpush
- fetch : fetch the origin repository.
fastforwards fetch
You can use it to update a branch with the master branch.
upbranch <name of the branch>
You can use it to update all git repositories in a directory.
Just a script to install other scripts :p
chmod +x
sudo ./