Web-based Temporal Typography API
- Web-Audio Node
- Analyser Node
- time domain data
- frequency data (array)
- volume (1 value)
- Analyser Node
- position
- x-y-z position
- size
- height, width, space
- linespace, letterspace ( alinged to where? )
- rotation
- x,y,z axis
- Anchor point
- range (where specifically do you want the visualization to be? All or partially?)
- letter index
- font color
- Alpha
- Background Color
- How can we add GLSL flexibility accessible to plain users?
- Font Family
- Line space
- Alignment (Left, Right, Center)
- Font Type (Bold, Italic, Underlined, etc)
- Font Color
- Build Script in Live Programming Fashion (Immediate result on the side)
- Let the user have their own graphics (in the background or foreground) for sure.