Deep learning based proyect for the automatic masking of a fetal brain. Takes as input either the contents of the images directory or a directory marked with "--target_dir=path_to_dir"
Currently only a unet based model can be used. A mask rcnn model is available but only for use with a GPU, so all relevant maskrcnn parts have been commented out
It takes as input a path to a directory, and recursivly looks for all .nii files for each file it will save a new mask with the name name_mask.nii on the path of the original image it will skip files that end with mask.nii.
- Python 3
- pip
Following can be installed with the requirements.txt file
- tqdm==4.29.1
- opencv_python_headless==
- numpy==1.16.2
- MedPy==0.3.0
- Keras==2.2.4
recommended install virtualenvwrapper Make a virtual environment as to not mix dependencies
$ pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Then, create a directory for your virtual environments e.g.:
$ mkdir ~/python-envs
You might want to add to your .bashrc file these two lines:
export WORKON_HOME=~/python-envs
source /usr/local/bin/
(Note depending on distro, the path might be
Then you can source your .bashrc and create a new Python3 virtual environment:
$ source .bashrc
$ mkvirtualenv --python=python3 python_env
To activate or "enter" the virtual env:
$ workon python_env
To deactivate virtual env:
$ deactivate
Create a new environment and activate it the environments name should appear at the beginnig of the shell surrounded by parentheses
Download the source code, cd into your decired location
(env_name)$ git clone
(env_name)$ cd brain-masking-tool
install requirements from requirements.txt
(env_name)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
to run the masking tool
(env_name)$ python --target_dir = path_to_dir
if no --target_dir is specified it will target the images directory, where you can also include images. you will have to activate the environment everytime you would like to use the tool
- Unet can currently only work with 256x256 images