So in our project we tried to make the perfect android pc suite called Flysync which will provide offline facility. Our Pc suite will also provide cross platform desktop app. With the use of Flysync we can transfer data as well as we can manage data from desktop. We can also take backup of our files. We can manage messages as well as application with the use of Flysync. We will provide one unique feature i.e. known as selective synchronization. By that user can select which data he/she want to synchronize with computer or laptop. So security will also be providing by Flysync.
- flysync-android -Android studio project, it's contain android side coding.
- flysync-nw - Cross Platform Desktop application project. Using NW.js base on V8,Node Js,Chromium.
- flysync-flash - It's contain UI drawing in Adobe Flash Professional.
- flysync-go - Background server that find android phone in local network(LAN). written in Go.
- flysync-presentation - Final year project presentation.
for build this project open project in android studio.
for bulild desktop app for windwos folow below steps.
- run comnnad
npm install
in flysync-nw directory. - run comnnad
npm install
in flysync-nw/app directory. - (GulpFile.js)[flysync-nw/GulpFile.js] has
task for build desktop app for windows os.
for build background service project.
- install golang
- set GOPATH and GOROOT path.
- build project on via main package.
it's conatin .fla
it will open in Adobe Flash Professtional. file contain all UI drawing for desktop and android project.
build this project flow same flysync-nw