A useful package/tool to make webm/mp4 videos greater than 60s in length uploadable to TikTok.
pip install ttlv
You can also use the web app deployed on heroku if you don't want to install it. Link to repo: longify-tiktok
Link to web app: LongifyTikTok
This video https://www.tiktok.com/@harrynepal26/video/6917917976008183042 is actually 2 Minutes 45 Seconds long. You can download this video using govue-tiktok-downloader to confirm that video is more than 60 seconds long.
To upload longer videos than 60 seconds, first you must have a webm/mp4 video file or you can convert the video to webm/mp4 using online or offline tools and you have to save using below commands and upload via Tiktok web not mobile app.
You can use as cli tool. For help,
ttlv -h
Input filepath is must and output filepath is optional. For saving tiktok long video,
ttlv -i "/home/user/Desktop/sample.webm" -o "/home/user/Desktop/sample-ttlv.webm"
You can import and use in your programs. output_path is optional.
from ttlv import Video
video = Video(input_path="./sample.mp4", output_path="./sample-ttlv.mp4")
👤 Pawan Paudel
- Github: @pawanpaudel93
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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Copyright © 2021 Pawan Paudel.