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For sneakier sneakerbots, this provides one single endpoint for clients. Supports HAProxy, socks protocol and http-proxy servers: polipo, privoxy and hpts.

In addition, you can view previously running TOR processes and create a new identity for all or selected processes.


multitor was created with the aim of initialize many TOR processes as quickly as possible. I could use many instances for my daily use programs (web browsers, messangers and other). In addition, I was looking for a tool that would increase anonymity when conducting penetration tests and testing the security of infrastructure.

Before using the multitor you need to remember:

  • TOR does attempt to generate a bunch of streams for you already. From this perspective, it is already load balancing (and it's much smarter at it than HAproxy)
  • the main goal is masking from where we get by sending requests to multiple streams. It is not so easy to locate where an attacker comes from. If you used http/https servers e.g. proxy servers, you will know what is going on but...
  • using multiple TOR instances can increase the probability of using a compromised circuit
  • multitor getting some bandwidth improvements just because it's a different way of connecting to TOR network
  • in multitor configuration mostly HAProxy checks the local (syn, syn/ack) socket - not all TOR nodes (also exist nodes). If there is a problem with the socket it tries to send traffic to others available without touching what's next - it does not ensure that the data will arrive
  • TOR network is a separate organism on which the multitor has no effect If one of the nodes is damaged and somehow the data can not leave the exit node, it is likely that a connection error will be returned or, at best, the data will be transferred through another local socket
  • HAProxy load balance network traffic between local TOR or http-proxy processes - not nodes inside TOR network

TOR is a fine security project and an excellent component in a strategy of defence in depth but it isn’t (sadly) a cloak of invisibility. When using the TOR, always remember about ssl (e.g. https) wherever it is possible.

Look also at Limitations.

How To Use

âť— For a more detailed understanding of multitor, its parameters, functions and how it all works, see the Manual.

It's simple:

# Clone this repository
git clone

# Go into the repository
cd multitor

# Install
./ install

# Run the app
multitor --init 2 --user debian-tor --socks-port 9000 --control-port 9900 --proxy privoxy --haproxy
  • symlink to bin/multitor is placed in /usr/local/bin
  • man page is placed in /usr/local/man/man8


Provides the following options:

    multitor <option|long-option>

    multitor --init 2 --user debian-tor --socks-port 9000 --control-port 9900
    multitor --init 10 --user debian-tor --socks-port 9000 --control-port 9900 --proxy socks
    multitor --show-id --socks-port 9000

        --help                        show this message
        --debug                       displays information on the screen (debug mode)
        --verbose                     displays more information about TOR processes
    -i, --init <num>                  init new tor processes
    -k, --kill                        kill all multitor processes
    -s, --show-id                     show specific tor process id
    -n, --new-id                      regenerate tor circuit
    -u, --user <string>               set the user (only with -i|--init)
        --socks-port <port_num|all>   set socks port number
        --control-port <port_num>     set control port number
        --proxy <proxy_type>          set socks or http (polipo, privoxy, hpts) proxy server
        --haproxy                     set HAProxy as a frontend for http proxies (only with --proxy)


multitor uses external utilities to be installed before running:

This tool working with:

  • GNU/Linux (testing on Debian and CentOS)
  • Bash (testing on 4.4.19)
  • each TOR, http-proxy and HAProxy processes needs a certain number of memory. If the number of TOR processes is too big, the oldest one will be automatically killed by the system
  • Polipo is no longer supported but it is still a very good and light proxy. In my opinion the best http-proxy solution is Privoxy
  • I think this topic will be usefull for You before using multitor - How to run multiple Tor processes at once with different exit IPs?

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container. The Dockerfile is a single line FROM ubuntu:18.04. Alternatively, you can simply run docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 bash.

NOTE: stopping services didn't work for me for some reason. That's why there is kill $(pidof <service name>) after each failed service <service name> stop to kill it.


1. Install and check Tor status

root@75f6721089f2:/# apt update
root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y tor
root@75f6721089f2:/# tor --version
Tor version (git-0edaa32732ec8930).
root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
 * cannot read PID file /var/run/tor/

2. Start Tor and check it's running

root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start
 * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 
root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
 * tor is running

3. Try to Authenticate with nc (Netcat)

It's not possible to connect as ControlPort is not set yet.

root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y netcat
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
(UNKNOWN) [] 9051 (?) : Connection refused

4. Stop/kill Tor, set ControlPort and start Tor again

root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor stop
 * Stopping tor daemon...          [fail]
root@75f6721089f2:/#  kill $(pidof tor)
root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor status
 * tor is not running
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo "ControlPort 9051" >> /etc/tor/torrc
root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start 
 * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 

5. Try to Authenticate with nc again

It's possible to connect but Authentication fails.

root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
515 Authentication failed: Wrong length on authentication cookie.

6. Stop/kill Tor, set and check HashedControlPassword then start Tor again

Make sure that you have something like HashedControlPassword 16:ED2893D8EC97801C60DF4A72249CBCCD8B97B3B01A15C923DC49A0E500 (actual password hash can/will differ) in /etc/tor/torrc.

root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor stop
 * Stopping tor daemon...          [fail]
root@75f6721089f2:/# kill $(pidof tor)
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo HashedControlPassword $(tor --hash-password "my password" | tail -n 1) >> /etc/tor/torrc
root@75f6721089f2:/# tail -n 2 /etc/tor/torrc
ControlPort 9051
HashedControlPassword 16:ED2893D8EC97801C60DF4A72249CBCCD8B97B3B01A15C923DC49A0E500
root@75f6721089f2:/# service tor start 
 * Starting tor daemon...          [ OK ] 

7. Try to Authenticate with nc again

Authentication passes with a correct password.

# NOTE Use Ctrl+C to exit.
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE' | nc 9051
515 Authentication failed: Password did not match HashedControlPassword *or* authentication cookie.
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my password"' | nc 9051
250 OK

8. Check your public IP and currently used Tor ip

root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y curl
root@75f6721089f2:/# curl
root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl

9. Change and check Tor IP

root@75f6721089f2:/# echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my password"\r\nsignal NEWNYM\r\nQUIT' | nc 9051
250 OK
250 OK
250 closing connection
root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl

10. Change (with Python3) and check Tor IP

root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y python3 python3-pip
root@75f6721089f2:/# python3 --version
Python 3.6.9
root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.6)
root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install stem==1.8.0
root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
>>> from stem import Signal
>>> from stem.control import Controller
>>> with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
...     controller.authenticate()
...     controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM)
root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl

11. Install privoxy and check traffic is routed through Tor

Now that it's clear Tor is configured and works properly we can include privoxy to the loop.

root@75f6721089f2:/# apt install -y privoxy
root@75f6721089f2:/# privoxy --version
Privoxy version 3.0.26 (
root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy status
 * privoxy is not running
root@75f6721089f2:/# echo "forward-socks5t / ." >> /etc/privoxy/config
root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy start
 * Starting filtering proxy server privoxy          [ fail ]

Privoxy is unable to start, let's inspect logs.

root@ff788ea93ee0:/# cat /var/log/privoxy/logfile
2019-07-21 09:16:58.278 7f9c2c0e30c0 Fatal error: can't bind to ::1:8118: No such file or directory

The message means privoxy cannot use IPv6. Let's disable listening on an IPv6 address by commenting out the setting.

root@ff788ea93ee0:/# sed -i "s/.*\[::1\]:8118/# &/" /etc/privoxy/config

Now we should be able to start and use privoxy

root@75f6721089f2:/# service privoxy start
 * Starting filtering proxy server privoxy          [ OK ]
root@75f6721089f2:/# torify curl
root@75f6721089f2:/# curl -x

12. Change and check Tor IP with Python3

root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install requests==2.26.0
root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
>>> import requests
>>> from stem import Signal
>>> from stem.control import Controller
>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'http': ''})
>>> response.text.strip()
>>> with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
...     controller.authenticate(password='my password')
...     controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM)
>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'http': ''})
>>> response.text.strip()
>>> response = requests.get('', proxies={'https': ''})
>>> response.json()
{"ip": "", "country": "Germany", "cc": "DE"}

13. [bonus] Change and check Tor IP with TorIpChanger

root@75f6721089f2:/# pip3 install toripchanger==1.1.3
root@75f6721089f2:/# python3
>>> from toripchanger import TorIpChanger
>>> tor_ip_changer = TorIpChanger(tor_password='my password', tor_port=9051, local_http_proxy='')
>>> tor_ip_changer.get_new_ip()


Sneakier Proxy for Sneaky Sneakerbots






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