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Code for the paper "Machine learning of cloud types in satellite observations and climate models".


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Code for the paper "Machine learning of cloud types in satellite observations and climate models"

Peter Kuma1, Frida A.-M. Bender1, Alex Schuddeboom2, Adrian J. McDonald2, Øyvind Seland3

1Department of Meteorology (MISU), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
2School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
3Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway

This repository contains code for the paper Machine learning of cloud types in satellite observations and climate models.


The code contains scripts for training an artificial neural network (ANN) for prediction of cloud types based on satellite and ground-based station data, and related data processing and visualisation. The artificial neural network is implemented in TensorFlow. The scripts use Python and bash. They should be run on Linux, although it may be possible to adapt them to other operating systems.

The scripts are divided into data processing scripts and plotting scripts. The scripts are dependent on one another for data input and output. The script run in the main directory runs the individual data processing and plotting scripts located in the directory bin and takes care of the dependencies.

Storage requirements for running the code on all available climate models and reanalyses are on the scale of 10 TB, and main memory requirements are on the scale of 60 GB. Lower hardware requirements are possible if used with fewer models or shorter training data time periods.

Please see the manuscript for more details about the ANN. If you have any questions about the code or would like to report a bug, you can contact the manuscript authors or submit an issue on GitHub. Contributions are welcome through pull requests on Github.


The code can be run on a Linux distribution with the following software (exact versions are listed for reproducibility, but newer version may work equally well):

  • Python (3.9.2)
  • Cython (0.29.2)
  • aria2 (1.35.0)
  • GNU parallel (20161222)
  • cdo (1.9.10)

as well as Python packages listed in requirements.txt.

On Debian-based Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, Devuan, ...), the required software can be installed with:

apt install python3 cython3 aria2 parallel cdo

Optionally, to install the Python packages in a virtual environment (venv) instead of the user's home directory:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

To install the Python packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Depending on the Linux distribution, python and pip might be available as python or python3, and pip or pip3.

Input datasets

The input datasets are not contained in this repository because of their large size, except for surface temperature data and a table of model ECS, TCR and cloud feedback. The rest of the datasets have to be downloaded from other repositories as described below. It is possible to run the scripts with fewer climate models and reanalyses and thus reduce the amount of data needed to be downloaded. The run script expects a particular subdirectory structure of the input directory, described below.


SYN1deg Level 3 daily means can be downloaded from the CERES website. They have to be converted to NetCDF with the tool h4toh5 (provided by the HDF Group), and stored in input/ceres.

After downloading, the data should be resampled to 2.5° resolution with cdo:

# To be run in the directory with the CERES NetCDF files.
mkdir 2.5deg
parallel cdo -remapcon,r144x96 {} 2.5deg/{} ::: *.nc

Historical Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) Global Observational Data

The IDD dataset contains ship and buoy records from the Global Telecommunication System. It can be downloaded from Research Data Archive. The relevant files are the SYNOP and BUOY NetCDF files (2008–present), and the HISTSURFACEOBS tar files (2003–2008). The HISTSURFACEOBS files have to be unpacked after downloading.

In the examples below it is assumed that the IDD NetCDF files are stored under input/idd/synop and input/idd/buoy for the synop and buoy files, respectively.

Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP)

CMIP5 and CMIP6 model output can be downloaded from the CMIP5 and CMIP6 data archives. The relevant experiments are historical (hist-1950 in the case of EC-Earth3P) and abrupt-4xCO2. The required variables are tas in the monthly (mon) frequency, and rlut, rlutcs, rsdt, rsut, rsutcs in the daily (day) frequency.

The command download_cmip can be used to create a list of CMIP files to download from a JSON catalog file, which can be created on the archive site above (return results as JSON on the search page). limit= in the URL to the JSON file should be changed to 10000, and Show All Replicas should be selected when searching. The resulting file list can be used with the program aria2c as aria2c -i <file> to download the files. Afterwards, use the commands create_by_model and create_by_var to create an index of symlinks in the directory where the downloaded files are stored. This index is required by the run script.

In the examples below it is assumed that the CMIP5 and CMIP6 files are stored in input/cmip5/<experiment>/<frequency/ and input/cmip6/<experiment>/<frequency/, respectively, where <experiment> is either historical (for both historical and hist-1950) or abrupt-4xCO2 and <frequency> is day or mon.

The data should be resampled to 2.5° resolution in the same way as the CERES data.

GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

The GISTEMP dataset is in data/gistemp available as the original file (CSV) and converted to NetCDF with gistemp_to_nc (required by the main commands). The original dataset was downloaded from NASA GISS. The original terms of use apply.


ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1979 to present can be downloaded from the Copernicus website. They have to be converted to daily mean files with cdo and stored in input/era5.

The data should be resampled to 2.5° resolution in the same way as the CERES data.


The M2T1NXRAD MERRA-2 product can be downloaded from NASA EarthData. Daily means can be downloaded with the GES DISC Subsetter. They have to be stored in input/merra-2.

The data should be resampled to 2.5° resolution in the same way as the CERES data.

Global mean near-surface temperature

Global mean near-surface temperature datasets should be stored in input/tas. They are present in this repository and need to be extracted from the archive input/tas.tar.xz.


Input directory

The input directory should contain the necessary input files. Apart from the datasets already contained in this repository, the files need to be downloaded from the sources as described above. Models and reanalyses which are not available should be removed from the input/models_* files before running run. Below is a description of the structure of the input directory (directories are marked with / at the end of the name).

ceres/              CERES SYN1deg daily mean files (NetCDF).
↳ 2.5deg/           The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
cmip5               CMIP5 data files (NetCDF).
↳ abrupt-4xCO2/     abrupt-4xCO2 experiment files.
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files for the variables rlut, rlutcs, rsdt, rsut and rsutcs.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ by-model/   Directory created by create_by_model.
    ↳ mon/          Monthly mean files for the variable tas.
cmip6/              CMIP6 data files (NetCDF).
↳ abrupt-4xCO2/     abrupt-4xCO2 experiment files.
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files for the variables rlut, rlutcs, rsdt, rsut and rsutcs.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ by-model/   Directory created by create_by_model.
  ↳ mon/            Daily mean files for the variable tas.
↳ hist-1950/        hist-1950 expriment files for the EC-Earth3P model.
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files for the variables rlut, rlutcs, rsdt, rsut and rsutcs.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ by-model/   Directory created by create_by_model.
  ↳ mon/            Monthly mean files for tas.
↳ historical/       historical experiment files.
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files for the variables rlut, rlutcs, rsdt, rsut and rsutcs.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ by-model/   Directory created by create_by_model.
  ↳ mon/            Monthly mean files for the variable tas.
↳ ecs.csv           ECS, TCR and CLD values for the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models.
era5/               Daily mean ERA5 NetCDF files with the following variables in each file: tisr, tsr, tsrc, ttr and ttrc.
↳ 2.5deg/           The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
↳ buoy/             IDD buoy files (NetCDF).
↳ synop/            IDD synop files (NetCDF).
↳   Land-sea mask derived from Natural Earth data.
merra2/             Daily mean MERRA-2 NetCDF files of the M2T1NXRAD product with the following variables in each file: LWTUP, LWTUPCLR, SWTDN, SWTNT and SWTNTCLR.
↳ 2.5deg/           The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
noresm2/            NorESM2 model files.
↳ historical/
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files.
    ↳ <variable>/   Daily mean NorESM NetCDF files in the historical experiment, where variable is FLNT, FLNTC, FLUT, FLUTC, FSNTOA, FSNTOAC and SOLIN.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ <variable>/
↳ abrupt-4xCO2/
  ↳ day/            Daily mean files.
    ↳ <variable>/   Daily mean NorESM2 NetCDF files in the abrupt-4xCO2 experiment, where variable is FLNT, FLNTC, FLUT, FLUTC, FSNTOA, FSNTOAC and SOLIN.
    ↳ 2.5deg/       The same as above, but resampled to 2.5°.
      ↳ <variable>/
tas/                Near-surface air temperature. This should be extracted from tas.tar.xz.
↳ historical/
  ↳        Near-surface air temperature from observations (GISTEMP).
  ↳ <model>.nc      Near-surface air temperature of a model in the historical experiment.
↳ abrupt-4xCO2/
  ↳        Near-surface air temperature from observations (GISTEMP).
  ↳ <model>.nc      Near-surface air temperature of a model in the abrupt-4xCO2 experiment.
models_*            Files containing a list of models to be processed. Available in this repository.
tas.tar.xz          Near-surface air temperature (compressed archive). Available in this repository.

Data directory

Output from the processing commands is written in the data directory (data_4, data_10 and data_27 for 4, 10 and 27 cloud types). In addition, a common data directory (data) stores data common to all cloud type sets. Below is a description of its structure (this is created automatically by the run script during the data processing):

↳ ceres.h5           ANN model generated by ann train (HDF5).
↳         ANN model training history file (NetCDF).
↳         Cloud type occurrence vs. ECS calculated by calc_cto_ecs (NetCDF).
↳        Histogram calculated by calc_dtau_pct (NetCDF).
geo_cto              Geographical distribution files for models and CERES calculated by calc_geo_cto.
↳ abrupt-4xCO2       CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 experiment.
  ↳ all              All models.
  ↳ part_1           Models for the first figure.
  ↳ part_2           Models for the continued figure.
↳ historical         CMIP6 historical experiment.
  ↳ all              All models.
  ↳ part_1           Models for the first figure.
  ↳ part_2           Models for the continued figure.
idd_geo              Geographical distribution files for IDD calculated by calc_idd_cto.
idd_sample           Sample IDD files for plotting stations.
samples              A symbolic link to data/samples.
↳ ceres
  ↳ <year>           CERES samples generated by prepare_samples.
  ↳ <year>.nc        Merged samples for a given year (NetCDF).
  ↳ training         Symbolic links to the training years in the parent directory.
  ↳ validation       Symbolic links to the validation years in the parent directory.
↳ abrupt-4xCO2       abrupt-4xCO2 CMIP5 and CMIP6 experiment.
  ↳ <model>
    ↳ <year>         Samples generated by prepare_samples for a model/year in the abrupt-4xCO2 experiment.
    ↳ <year>.nc      Merged samples for a given year (NetCDF).
↳ historical         historical CMIP6 experiment.
  ↳ <model>
    ↳ <year>         Samples generated by prepare_samples for a model/year in the historical experiment.
    ↳ <year>.nc      Merged samples for a given year (NetCDF).
↳ abrupt-4xCO2
  ↳ <model>
    ↳ <year>.nc      Samples predicted with ann apply for a model/year in the abrupt-4xCO2 experiment.
↳ historical
  ↳ ceres/<year>.nc  CERES samples predicted with ann apply for a year.
  ↳ <model>
    ↳ <year>.nc      Samples predicted with ann apply for a model/year in the historical experiment.
roc                  Receiver operating characteristic.
↳ <region>           Results for an ANN trained on station data excluding a region.
↳ geo_cto            Geographical distribution
  ↳ all              Input files for the geo_cto_xval plots.
    ↳  Symbolic link to geo_cto/historical/validation/
    ↳   Symbolic link to xval/nw/geo_cto/historical/all/
    ↳   Symbolic link to xval/ne/geo_cto/historical/all/
    ↳   Symbolic link to xval/se/geo_cto/historical/all/
    ↳   Symbolic link to xval/sw/geo_cto/historical/all/
  ↳       Merged regions (NA, EA, OC and SA) geographical distribution produced by merge_xval_geo_cto.

How to run

The input directory should be populated with the required input files before running the scripts.

The run bash script runs the Python scripts in bin for various tasks. The tasks can be run in a sequence as below. Before running the run script, configuration should be imported from one of config_4, config_10 or config_27 for 4, 10 and 27 cloud types, respectively. The output directories for data files (NetCDF) and plots (PDF and PNG) are data_x and plot_x, where x is 4, 10, or 27, respectively. Data files common to all cloud type sets are stored in data. Some of the tasks might take a significant amount of time to complete (hours to days, depending on the CPU). In general, the tasks should be run in order because of data dependencies.

Plots which contain complex vector graphics are saved as PNG with width of slightly above 1920px. Other plots are saved as PDF.

# Optional configuration:
export JOBS=24 # Number of concurrent jobs. Defaults to the number of CPU cores if not set.

. config_4 # Configuration for 4 cloud types
# . config_10 for 10 cloud types.
# . config_27 for 27 cloud types.
# ./run prepare_* commands only have to be run once for either of config_4, config_10 and config_27 because they are shared between the configurations.

./run prepare_ceres              # Prepare CERES samples.
./run train_ann                  # Train the ANN.
./run plot_training_history      # Plot training history [Figure S1].
./run plot_idd_stations          # Plot IDD stations [Figure 1a].
./run predict_ceres              # Predict CERES samples using the ANN.
./run calc_dtau_pct              # Calculate cloud optical depth - cloud top pressure histograms.
./run plot_dtau_pct              # Plot cloud optical depth - cloud top pressure histograms [Figure 8].
./run prepare_historical         # Prepare CMIP6 historical samples.
./run predict_historical         # Predict CMIP6 historical samples using the ANN.
./run calc_geo_cto_historical    # Calculate geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence from the CMIP6 historical samples.
./run calc_idd_geo               # Calculate geographical distribution of IDD cloud type occurrence.
./run plot_idd_n_obs             # Plot number of observations per grid cell in the IDD dataset [Figure S2].
./run plot_station_corr          # Plot CERES/ANN-IDD station spatial and temporal error correlation [Figure S3].
./run plot_geo_cto_historical    # Plot geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence for the CMIP6 historical experiment [Figure 6, 7].
./run plot_cto_historical        # Plot cloud type occurrence bar chart for the CMIP6 historical experiment [Figure 9a].
./run plot_cto_rmse_ecs          # Plot cloud type occurrence RMSE vs. ECS [Figure 12, S10, S11].
./run prepare_abrupt-4xCO2       # Prepare CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 samples.
./run predict_abrupt-4xCO2       # Predict CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 samples using the ANN.
./run calc_geo_cto_abrupt-4xCO2  # Calculate geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence from the CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 samples.
./run plot_geo_cto_abrupt-4xCO2  # Plot geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence for the CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 experiment [Figure S7, S8].
./run plot_cto_abrupt-4xCO2      # Plot cloud type occurrence bar chart for the CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 experiment [Figure 9b].
./run calc_cto_ecs               # Calculate cloud type occurrence vs. ECS regression in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 experiment.
./run plot_cto_ecs               # Plot cloud type occurrence vs. ECS regression in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2 experiment [Figure 11].
./run train_ann_xval             # Train ANNs for cross-validation.
./run predict_ceres_xval         # Predict CERES cross-validation samples using the ANN.
./run calc_geo_cto_xval          # Calculate geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence for cross-validation.
./run plot_geo_cto_xval          # Plot geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence for cross-validation [Figure 3, S12].
./run plot_validation            # Plot validation results [Figure 4].
./run calc_roc                   # Calculate ROC.
./run plot_roc                   # Plot ROC [Figure 5].

Environment variables

The run script supports the following environment variables:

  • JOBS: Number of concurrent jobs. Default: Number of CPU cores.
  • INPUT: Input directory. Default: input.
  • DATA: Data (output) directory. Default: data.
  • DATA_COMMON: Common data (output) directory. Default: data.
  • PLOT: Plot (output) directory. Default: plot.
  • NCLASSES: Number of cloud classes (4, 10 or 27). Default: 4.
  • EXCLUDE_NIGHT: Exclude samples containing nighttime. The same as the equivalent ann option. Default: true.



Below is an overview of the available commands showing their dependencies and the paper figures they produce.

↳ plot_idd_stations [Figure 1a]
↳ ann
  ↳ plot_sample [Figure 1b, c]
  ↳ plot_training_history [Figure S1]
  ↳ calc_dtau_pct
    ↳ plot_dtau_pct [Figure 8]
  ↳ calc_geo_cto
    ↳ calc_idd_geo
      ↳ plot_geo_cto [Figure 3, 6, 7, S7, S8, S12]
      ↳ plot_cto_rmse_ecs [Figure 12, S9–11]
      ↳ plot_cto [Figure 9, S4–6]
      ↳ calc_cto_ecs
        ↳ plot_cto_ecs [Figure 11]
      ↳ calc_cloud_props
        ↳ plot_cloud_props [Figure 10]
      ↳ plot_station_corr [Figure S3]
        ↳ plot_idd_n_obs [Figure S2]
        ↳ merge_xval_geo_cto
          ↳ plot_validation [Figure 4]
          ↳ calc_roc
            ↳ plot_roc [Figure 5]

Main commands

Below is a description of the main commands. They can be run either individually or with the run command as described above. They should be run in a Linux terminal (bash). The commands are located in the bin directory as should be run from the main repository directory with bin/<command> [<arguments>...].

Some of the commands use PST for command line argument parsing, which allows passing of complex arguments such as arrays, but may also require escaping special characters, for example in file names.


Train or apply the artificial neural network (ANN).


This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.

Arguments (ann train):

  INPUT           Input directory with samples. The output of prepare_samples (NetCDF).
  INPUT_VAL       Input directory with validation samples (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT          Output model (HDF5).
  OUTPUT_HISTORY  History output (NetCDF).

Arguments (ann apply):

  MODEL   TensorFlow model (HDF5).
  INPUT   Input directory with samples. The output of prepare_samples (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output samples directory (NetCDF).

Options (ann train):

  night: VALUE          Train for nighttime only. One of: true or false. Default: false.
  exclude: { LAT1 LAT2 LON1 LON2 }
      Exclude samples with pixels in a region bounded by given latitude and longitude. Default: none.
  nsamples: VALUE       Maximum number of samples to use for the training per day. Default: 20.


  exclude_night: VALUE  Exclude nighttime samples. One of: true or false. Default: true.
  nclasses: VALUE  Number of cloud types. One of: 4, 10, 27. Default: 4.


bin/ann train data/samples/ceres_training/training data/samples/ceres_training/validation data/ann/ceres.h5 data/ann/
bin/ann apply data/ann/ceres.h5 data/samples/ceres data/samples_pred/ceres
bin/ann apply data/ann/ceres.h5 data/samples/historical/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR data/samples_pred/historical/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR


Calculate statistics of cloud properties by cloud type.

Usage: calc_cloud_props TYPE CTO INPUT OUTPUT

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  TYPE    Type of input data. One of: "ceres" (CERES), "cmip" (CMIP), "era5" (ERA5), "noresm2" (NorESM2), "merra2" (MERRA-2).
  CTO     Cloud type occurrence. The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  INPUT   CMIP cloud property (clt, cod or pctisccp) directory (NetCDF) or CERES SYN1deg (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


bin/calc_cloud_props cmip data/geo_cto/historical/all/ input/cmip6/historical/day/by-model/UKESM1-0-LL/ data/cloud_props/


Calculate cloud type occurrence vs. ECS regression.

Usage: calc_cto_ecs INPUT ECS OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input directory. The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  ECS     ECS, TCR and CLD input (CSV).
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


bin/calc_cto_ecs data/geo_cto/abrupt-4xCO2/ input/ecs/ecs.csv data/cto_ecs/


Calculate cloud optical depth - cloud top press histogram.

Usage: calc_dtau_pct SAMPLES CERES OUTPUT

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  SAMPLES  Directory with samples. The output of prepare_samples (NetCDF).
  CERES    Directory with CERES SYN1deg (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT   Output file (NetCDF).


bin/calc_dtau_pct data/samples_pred/ceres input/ceres data/dtau_pct/


Calculate geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence distribution.


This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT        Input file or directory (NetCDF). The output of tf.
  INPUT_NIGHT  Input directory daily files - nightime samples (NetCDF). The output of tf.
  TAS          Input file with tas. The output of gistemp_to_nc (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT       Output file (NetCDF).


  resolution: VALUE  Resolution (degrees). Default: 5. 180 must be divisible by <value>.


bin/calc_geo_cto data/samples_pred/ceres input/tas/historical/ data/geo_cto/historical/all/
bin/calc_geo_cto data/samples_pred/historical/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR input/tas/historical/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR data/geo_cto/historical/all/


Calculate geographical distribution of cloud types from IDD data.

Usage: calc_idd_geo SYNOP BUOY FROM TO OUTPUT

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  SYNOP   Input synop directory (NetCDF).
  BUOY    Input buoy directory (NetCDF).
  FROM    From date (ISO).
  TO      To date (ISO).
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


  nclasses: VALUE    Number of cloud types. One of: 4, 10 or 27. Default: 4.
  resolution: VALUE  Resolution (degrees). Default: 5. 180 must be divisible by VALUE.


bin/calc_idd_geo input/idd/{synop,buoy} 2007-01-01 2007-12-31 data/idd_geo/ nclasses: 10


Calculate receiver operating characteristic.


This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   Validation CERES/ANN dataset. The output of calc_geo_cto for validation years (NetCDF).
  IDD     Validation IDD dataset. The output of calc_idd_geo for validation years (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


  area: { LAT1 LAT2 LON1 LON2 }  Area to validate on.


bin/calc_roc data/xval/na/geo_cto/historical/all/ data/idd_geo/ data/roc/ area: { 0 90 -180 0 }


Merge cross validation geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence.

Usage: merge_xval_geo_cto [INPUT...] [AREA...] OUTPUT

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  AREA    Area of input to merge the format { LAT1 LAT2 LON1 LON2 }. The number of area arguments must be the same as the number of input arguments.
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


bin/merge_xval_geo_cto data/xval/{na,ea,oc,sa}/geo_cto/historical/all/ { 15 45 -60 -30 } { 30 60 90 120 } { -45 -15 150 180 } { -30 0 -75 -45 } data/xval/geo_cto/

plot_cloud_props [Figure 11]

Usage: plot_cloud_prop VAR INPUT ECS OUTPUT [OPTIONS]

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  VAR     Variable. One of: "clt", "cod", "pct".
  INPUT   Input directory. The output of calc_cloud_props (NetCDF).
  ECS     ECS file (CSV).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


  legend: VALUE  Plot legend ("true" or "false"). Default: "true".


bin/plot_cloud_props clt data/cloud_props/ input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/cloud_props_clt.pdf
bin/plot_cloud_props cod data/cloud_props/ input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/cloud_props_cod.pdf
bin/plot_cloud_props pct data/cloud_props/ input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/cloud_props_pct.pdf

plot_cto [Figure 9, S4–6]

Plot global mean cloud type occurrence.



  VARNAME     Variable name. One of: "ecs" (ECS), "tcr" (TCR), "cld" (cloud feedback).
  DEGREE      One of: "0" (mean), "1-time" (trend in time), "1-tas" (trend in tas).
  ABSREL      One of "absolute" (absolute value), "relative" (relative to CERES).
  REGRESSION  Plot regression. One of: "true" or "false".
  INPUT       Input directoy. The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  ECS         ECS file (CSV).
  OUTPUT      Output plot (PDF).
  TITLE       Plot title.


  legend: VALUE  Show legend ("true" or "false"). Default: "true".


bin/plot_cto ecs 0 relative false data/geo_cto/historical/ input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/cto_historical.pdf 'CMIP6 historical (2003-2014) and reanalyses (2003-2020) relative to CERES (2003-2020)'
bin/plot_cto ecs 1-tas absolute false data/geo_cto/abrupt-4xCO2/ input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/cto_abrupt-4xCO2.pdf 'CMIP abrupt-4xCO2 (first 100 years)'

plot_cto_ecs [Figure 11]

Plot cloud type occurrence vs. ECS regression.


This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  VARNAME  Variable name. One of: "ecs" (ECS), "tcr" (TCR), "cld" (cloud feedback).
  INPUT    Input file. The output of calc_cto_ecs (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT   Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_cto_ecs ecs data/cto_ecs/ plot/cto_ecs.pdf

plot_cto_rmse_ecs [Figure 12, S9–11]

Plot scatter plot of RMSE of the geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence and sensitivity indicators (ECS, TCR and cloud feedback).

Usage: plot_cto_rmse_ecs INPUT ECS OUTPUT [OPTIONS]

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   Input directory. The output of calc_geo_cto or calc_cto (NetCDF).
  ECS     ECS file (CSV).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


  legend: VALUE  Plot legend ("true" or "false"). Default: "true".


bin/plot_cto_rmse_ecs data/geo_cto/historical/all input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/geo_cto_rmse_ecs.pdf

plot_dtau_pct [Figure 8]

Plot cloud optical depth - cloud top pressure histogram.

Usage: plot_dtau_pct INPUT OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input file. The output of calc_dtau_pct (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_dtau_pct data/dtau_pct/ plot/dtau_pct.png

plot_geo_cto [Figure 3, 6, 7, S7, S8, S12]

Plot geographical distribution of cloud type occurrence.

Usage: plot_geo_cto INPUT ECS OUTPUT [OPTIONS]

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   Input directory. The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  ECS     ECS file (CSV).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


  degree: VALUE       Degree. One of: 0 (absolute value) or 1 (trend). Default: 0.
  relative: VALUE     Plot relative to CERES. One of: true or false. Default: true.
  normalized: VALUE   Plot normaized CERES. One of: true, false, only.  Default: false.
  with_ref: VALUE     Plot reference row. One of: true, false. Default: true.
  label_start: VALUE  Start plot labels with letter VALUE. Default: a.


bin/plot_geo_cto data/geo_cto/historical/part_1 input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/geo_cto_historical_1.png
bin/plot_geo_cto data/geo_cto/historical/part_2 input/ecs/ecs.csv plot/geo_cto_historical_2.png

plot_idd_n_obs [Figure S2]

Plot a map showing the number of observations in IDD.

Usage: plot_idd_n_obs INPUT OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input dataset. The output of calc_idd_geo (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_idd_n_obs data/idd_geo/ plot/idd_n_obs.png

plot_idd_stations [Figure 1a]

Plot IDD stations on a map.

Usage: plot_idd_stations INPUT SAMPLE N OUTPUT TITLE

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   IDD input directory (NetCDF).
  SAMPLE  CERES sample. The output of tf apply (NetCDF).
  N       Sample number.
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).
  TITLE   Plot title.


bin/plot_idd_stations data/idd_sample/ data/samples/ceres/2010/2010-01-01T00\:00\ 0 plot/idd_stations.png '2010-01-01'

plot_roc [Figure 5]

Plot ROC validation curves.

Usage: plot_roc INPUT OUTPUT TITLE


  INPUT   Input data. The output of calc_val_stats (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF)
  TITLE   Plot title.


bin/plot_roc data/roc/ plot/roc_all.pdf all
bin/plot_roc data/roc/ plot/roc_regions.pdf regions

plot_sample [Figure 1b, c]

Plot sample.

Usage: plot_samples INPUT N OUTPUT

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  INPUT   Input sample (NetCDF). The output of tf.
  N       Sample number.
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_sample data/samples/ceres_training/2010/2010-01-01T00\:00\ 0 plot/sample.png

plot_station_corr [Figure S3]

Plot spatial and temporal correlation of stations.

Usage: plot_station_corr TYPE INPUT1 INPUT2 OUTPUT


  TYPE    One of: "time" (time correlation), "space" (space correlation).
  INPUT1  Input file. The output of calc_idd_geo (NetCDF).
  INPUT2  Input file. The output of calc_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_station_corr space data/idd_geo/ data/geo_cto/historical/all/ plot/station_corr_space.pdf
bin/plot_station_corr time data/idd_geo/ data/geo_cto/historical/all/ plot/station_corr_time.pdf

plot_training_history [Figure S1]

Plot training history loss function.

Usage: plot_history INPUT OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input history file. The output of tf (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT  Output plot (PDF).


bin/plot_training_history data/ann/ plot/training_history.pdf

plot_validation [Figure 4]

Calculate cross-validation statistics.

Usage: plot_validation IDD_VAL IDD_TRAIN INPUT... OUTPUT [OPTIONS]

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  IDD_VAL    Validation IDD dataset. The output of calc_idd_geo for validation years (NetCDF).
  IDD_TRAIN  Training IDD dataset. The output of calc_idd_geo for training years (NetCDF).
  INPUT      CERES dataset. The output of calc_geo_cto or merge_xval_geo_cto (NetCDF).
  OUTPUT     Output plot (PDF).


  --normalized  Plot normalized plots.


bin/plot_validation data/idd_geo/{validation,training}.nc data/geo_cto/historical/all/ data/xval/geo_cto/ plot/validation.png


Prepare samples of clouds for CNN training.


This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  TYPE    Input type. One of: "ceres" (CERES SYN 1deg), "cmip" (CMIP5/6), "cloud_cci" (Cloud_cci), "era5" (ERA5), "merra2" (MERRA-2), "noresm2" (NorESM).
  INPUT   Input directory with input files (NetCDF).
  SYNOP   Input directory with IDD synoptic files or "none" (NetCDF).
  BUOY    Input directory with IDD buoy files or "none" (NetCDF).
  START   Start time (ISO).
  END     End time (ISO).
  OUTPUT  Output directory.


  seed: VALUE           Random seed.
  keep_stations: VALUE  Keep station records in samples ("true" or "false"). Default: "false".
  nsamples: VALUE       Number of samples per day to generate. Default: 100.


prepare_samples ceres input/ceres input/idd/synop input/idd/buoy 2009-01-01 2009-12-31 data/samples/ceres/2009
prepare_samples cmip input/cmip6/historical/day/by-model/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR none none 2003-01-01 2003-12-31 data/samples/historical/AWI-ESM-1-1-LR/2003

Auxiliary commands


Build the README document from a template.

Usage: build_readme INPUT BINDIR OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input file.
  BINDIR  Directory with scripts.
  OUTPUT  Output file.


bin/build_readme bin


Create a by-model index of CMIP data. This command should be run in the directory with CMIP data.

Usage: create_by_model


cd data/cmip5/historical/day


Create a by-var index of CMIP data. This command should be run in the directory with CMIP data.

Usage: create_by_var


cd data/cmip5/historical/day


Download CMIP data based on a JSON catalogue downloaded from the CMIP archive search page.

Usage: download_cmip FILENAME VAR START END

This program uses PST for command line argument parsing.


  FILENAME  Input file (JSON).
  VAR       Variable name.
  START     Start time (ISO).
  END       End time (ISO).


bin/download_cmip catalog.json tas 1850-01-01 2014-01-01 > files


Convert GISTEMP yearly temperature data to NetCDF.

Usage: gistemp_to_nc INPUT OUTPUT


  INPUT   Input file "totalCI_ERA.csv" (CSV).
  OUTPUT  Output file (NetCDF).


bin/gistemp_to_nc data/gistemp/totalCI_ERA.csv data/gistemp/

Code style

The code style is indentation with tabs, tab size equivalent to 4 spaces, and Unix line endings (LF). The style is applied automatically in editors which supports the .editorconfig standard.

Release notes

2.0.0 (2022-12-05)

  • A release corresponding to the finalized manuscript at the end of the peer review process.

1.0.0 (2022-03-07)

  • The first release corresponding to the submitted manuscript version.


The code in this repository is open source, and can be used and distributed freely under the terms of an MIT license. Please see for details.