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After a successful Mission Apollo in 2020 (GitHub, Recording), once again a brave mission has been started to combine the latest available technologies around the UI5 ecosystem with Apollo GraphQL: Mission Apollo Reloaded

Mission Apollo Reloaded

Are TypeScript, OpenUI5, UI5 Web Components and Apollo GraphQL falling in love? Yes, they definitely do!


DISCLAIMER: Although, the project has been created by SAP developers, there is no warrenty or guarantee that the project follows best practices or official recommendations! The project serves for inspiration!

This project show-cases the usage of Apollo GraphQL for TypeScript-based UI5 applications. The goal of this project is to show-case the consumption of the Apollo GraphQL library directly via import statement and benefit from the code completion support of TypeScript.

Supporting OSS libraries native in TypeScript UI5 applications is challanging as the import statements of ES modules are converted into sap.ui.define statements. Although, Apollo GraphQL is imported as ES module, at runtime it is loaded as a sap.ui.define AMD-like module in the UI5 runtime.

This requires a special treatment of the OSS libraries loaded from node_modules. The UI5 tooling in general supports shimming to consume OSS libraries directly from npm. Unfortunately, these OSS libraries need to be client-side modules which can be consumed without transpiling. The ui5-sample-apollo-reloaded project makes use of the ui5-tooling-modules custom middleware and task. The tooling extensions enable the consumption of OSS libraries from node_modules and make them available as sap.ui.define AMD-like modules. Technically, the middleware and the task are using rollup to create bundles for the imports or sap.ui.define AMD-like modules.

Besides the consumption of the Apollo GraphQL dependencies, the sample also show-cases the usage of these dependencies in the UI5 programming model. The sample includes a UI5 library which defines a BaseController to simplify the usage of GraphQL for UI5 applications. The BaseController reads the GraphQL datasource from the manifest.json and enables support for the apollo object. The apollo object simplifies the consumption of a graph in UI5. The graph will be stored in a one-way JSONModel which can be used to bind the UI elements against it.

The UI5 application is using an unidirectional data flow. The JSONModel keeps the client-side state. The UI elements of the XMLView are bound to the JSONModel using one-way binding. The Controller listens to the events of the UI elements and takes care to forward the changes to the Apollo server via a mutation. Afterwards, the client-side gets notified by subscriptions and update the JSONModel.

The session is being inspired by the original session at the UI5Con on Air 2020 and was presented as part of a lightning talk. The recording can be found on YouTube and the source code can be found on GitHub.

Repository Structure

The ui5-sample-apollo-reloaded repository has been setup as a monorepo using yarn workspaces. Instead of npm you need yarn to run the project. You can use the yarn installation page or install yarn via npm:

# Install yarn (if not done already)
npm i -g yarn

The repository includes the Apollo GraphQL server, a custom task and middleware extension for the UI5 Tooling, a TypeScript-based UI5 library including the Apollo BaseController and a TypeScript-based UI5 todo application:

├── apollo-demo-todo-server // the Apollo GraphQL server
├── apollo-demo-todo-app    // the UI5 application
└── apollo-demo-todo-lib    // the UI5 library (INFO: dashes are only used for the package name, not for the library namespace!)

Get Started

To get started with the monorepo, please ensure to run yarn once to install all required dependencies in your node_modules folder:

# install dependencies

# run the project (starts the GraphQL and UI5 server)
yarn start

The start script will run the Apollo GraphQL server, the UI5 development server and Babel in the watch mode for the TypeScript-based projects: and apollo.demo.todo.lib.

To create and run the production build of the monorepo, just run the following command:

# build the project
yarn build

# run the built project
yarn dist

In packages/ folder you can find the build result of UI5 application and related libraries. The dist folder contains the application, the libraries and the bundles for the used OSS libraries.

Using npm packages in UI5

The goal of the repository is to show the consumption of npm packages as dependency in the package.json and at runtime as ES module import. The ES module import also enables proper code completion.

  1. Adding the npm package as dev dependency:

    npm install @apollo/client -D
    yarn add @apollo/client -D
  2. Import the dependency at runtime:

    // ES module import
    import { ApolloClient, gql } from "@apollo/client/core";
    // UI5s AMD-like syntax
    ], function(ApolloClientCore) {
        const { ApolloClient, gql } = ApolloClientCore;

    Remark: the tsconfig.json must use "moduleResolution": "Node" to be able to provide code completion for npm packages.

  3. Using the ui5-tooling-modules to consume npm packages at runtime:

      - name: ui5-tooling-modules-task
        afterTask: replaceVersion
      - name: ui5-tooling-modules-middleware
        afterMiddleware: compression

The ui5-tooling-modules extensions provides a custom middleware and a custom task which detects dependencies to npm packages and creates a bundle for each dependency.

Using Apollo GraphQL in UI5

To improve the usage of Apollo GraphQL within TypeScript-based UI5 applications, the apollo.demo.todo.lib provides a BaseController implementation which is adding some syntactic sugar to work easily with GraphQL and manages the GraphQL data in a JSONModel. This allows the usage of simple databinding in the XMLView to connect the GraphQL data with the UI5 controls. This Controller is the apollo/demo/todo/lib/controller/BaseController.

Let's take a look into the functionality provided by the BaseController:

  public onInit(): void {
    this.client = new ApolloClient({

    // some syntactic sugar for the consumers
    this.$query = this.client.query.bind(this.client);
    this.$mutate = this.client.mutate.bind(this.client);
    this.$subscribe = this.client.subscribe.bind(this.client);

    // create a one-way JSONModel for the data (as a "store")
    const model = new JSONModel();

    // enrich the apollo object (add invoke functions)
    if (this.apollo) {
      Object.keys(this.apollo).forEach((entity) => {
        this.apollo[entity].invoke = () => {
        if (!this.apollo[entity].skip) {

The BaseController creates the ApolloClient instance based on the datasource configuration in the manifest.json:

    "dataSources": {
      "gqlsvc": {
        "uri": "http://localhost:4000/graphql",
        "customType": true,
        "type": "GraphQL",
        "settings": {
          "ws": "ws://localhost:4000/graphql"

In addition, the BaseController adds some shortcuts to $query, $mutate and $subscribe (the syntactic sugar). It creates a standard JSONModel to manage the GraphQL data. The last step during the initialization is to look over the so called Apollo root object and enrich the defined entities with an invoke function as well as calling the invoke directly if the property skip is not true:

 * @namespace
export default class AppController extends BaseController {
  apollo = {
    todos: {
      binding: "{/todos}",
      query: gql`
        query GetToDos {
          todos {

This declaration will trigger a query to request the todos with the attributes id, title and completed and put them into the JSONModel with the path /todos. This allows to access and bind the todos within the XMLView with the databinding syntax:

<List items="{/todos}">
    <CustomListItem class="todoItems">
        <CheckBox checked="{completed}" change=".completeTodo"/>
        <Label text="{title}"/>
        <Button icon="edit" click=".editTodo"/>
        <Button icon="delete" design="Negative" click=".deleteTodo"/>

Background Information

The project has been created using the easy-ui5 generator by using the generator-ui5-ts-app.

The tsconfig.json needs to be adopted to provide code completion for npm packages and to enable support for the UI5 library and UI5 application namespaces:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "moduleResolution": "Node",
        "typeRoots": [
        "paths": {
            "sap/ui/demo/apollo/*": [
            "apollo/demo/todo/lib/*": [
    "include": [
  1. The moduleResolution must be set to Node to include npm packages.
  2. The typeRoots must define @types and @openui5/ts-types-esm to provide code completion for DefinitelyTyped type definitions and OpenUI5.
  3. The paths must include the namespaces for the UI5 application and the related UI5 libraries.

All these configurations are necessary that the IDE (e.g. VSCode) provides code completion support for the OSS libraries, OpenUI5, the UI5 library sources and the UI5 application.


For the namespace of the UI5 library, we used apollo.demo.todo.lib. A namespace with dashes works but has some downsides while accessing the resources from the global namespace.

How to obtain support

Please use the GitHub bug tracking system to post questions, bug reports or to create pull requests.


Any type of contribution (code contributions, pull requests, issues) to this showcase will be equally appreciated.


This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and the Derived Beer-ware License. The official license will be Apache 2.0 but finally you can choose between one of them if you use this work.

When you like this stuff, buy @DamianMaring a beer or buy @pmuessig a coke.


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