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pgarbe committed Jun 1, 2022
1 parent d48725d commit 66e2f1e
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .projen/deps.json

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156 changes: 106 additions & 50 deletions
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# API Reference <a name="API Reference" id="api-reference"></a>

## Constructs <a name="Constructs" id="constructs"></a>
## Constructs <a name="Constructs" id="Constructs"></a>

### EcrSync <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsync"></a>
### EcrSync <a name="EcrSync" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync"></a>

Construct to sync Docker images from DockerHub into ECR Repos.

#### Initializers <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncinitializer"></a>
#### Initializers <a name="Initializers" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer"></a>

import { EcrSync } from '@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync'
Expand All @@ -16,139 +16,195 @@ new EcrSync(scope: Construct, id: string, props: EcrSyncProps)

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`scope`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterscope)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`constructs.Construct`](#constructs.Construct) | *No description.* |
| [`id`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterid)<span title="Required">*</span> | `string` | *No description.* |
| [`props`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterprops)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps`](#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps) | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer.parameter.scope">scope</a></code> | <code>constructs.Construct</code> | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">id</a></code> | <code>string</code> | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer.parameter.props">props</a></code> | <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps">EcrSyncProps</a></code> | *No description.* |


##### `scope`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.parameter.scope" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterscope"></a>
##### `scope`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="scope" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer.parameter.scope"></a>

- *Type:* [`constructs.Construct`](#constructs.Construct)
- *Type:* constructs.Construct


##### `id`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterid"></a>
##### `id`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="id" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

- *Type:* `string`
- *Type:* string


##### `props`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.parameter.props" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparameterprops"></a>
##### `props`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="props" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.Initializer.parameter.props"></a>

- *Type:* [`@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps`](#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps)
- *Type:* <a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps">EcrSyncProps</a>


#### Methods <a name="Methods" id="methods"></a>
#### Methods <a name="Methods" id="Methods"></a>

| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
| [`grantPull`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncgrantpull) | Grant the given identity permissions to use the images in this repository. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.toString">toString</a></code> | Returns a string representation of this construct. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.grantPull">grantPull</a></code> | Grant the given identity permissions to use the images in this repository. |


##### `grantPull` <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.grantPull" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncgrantpull"></a>
##### `toString` <a name="toString" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.toString"></a>

public grantPull(grantee: IGrantable)
public toString(): string

###### `grantee`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.parameter.grantee" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncparametergrantee"></a>
Returns a string representation of this construct.

- *Type:* [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.IGrantable`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.IGrantable)
##### `grantPull` <a name="grantPull" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.grantPull"></a>

public grantPull(grantee: IGrantable): void

Grant the given identity permissions to use the images in this repository.

###### `grantee`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="grantee" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.grantPull.parameter.grantee"></a>

- *Type:* aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.IGrantable


#### Static Functions <a name="Static Functions" id="Static Functions"></a>

| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.isConstruct">isConstruct</a></code> | Checks if `x` is a construct. |


##### ~~`isConstruct`~~ <a name="isConstruct" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.isConstruct"></a>

import { EcrSync } from '@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync'

EcrSync.isConstruct(x: any)

Checks if `x` is a construct.

###### `x`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="x" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSync.isConstruct.parameter.x"></a>

- *Type:* any

Any object.


#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="Properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">node</a></code> | <code>constructs.Node</code> | The tree node. |


##### `node`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="node" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly node: Node;

- *Type:* constructs.Node

The tree node.


## Structs <a name="Structs" id="structs"></a>
## Structs <a name="Structs" id="Structs"></a>

### EcrSyncProps <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncprops"></a>
### EcrSyncProps <a name="EcrSyncProps" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps"></a>

Properties for EcrSync.

#### Initializer <a name="[object Object].Initializer" id="object-objectinitializer"></a>
#### Initializer <a name="Initializer" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.EcrSyncProps.Initializer"></a>

import { EcrSyncProps } from '@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync'

const ecrSyncProps: EcrSyncProps = { ... }

#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="properties"></a>
#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="Properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`dockerImages`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertydockerimages)<span title="Required">*</span> | [`@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image`](#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image)[] | Images from Docker Hub that should be pulled into ECR. |
| [`initScript`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyinitscript) | `string` | Optional. |
| [`lifcecyleRule`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertylifcecylerule) | [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule) | An ECR lifecycle rule which is applied to all repositories. |
| [`repoPrefix`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyrepoprefix) | `string` | A prefix for all ECR repository names. |
| [`schedule`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyschedule) | [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule) | Optional. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">dockerImages</a></code> | <code><a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image">Image</a>[]</code> | Images from Docker Hub that should be pulled into ECR. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">initScript</a></code> | <code>string</code> | Optional. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">lifcecyleRule</a></code> | <code>aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule</code> | An ECR lifecycle rule which is applied to all repositories. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">repoPrefix</a></code> | <code>string</code> | A prefix for all ECR repository names. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">schedule</a></code> | <code>aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule</code> | Optional. |


##### `dockerImages`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertydockerimages"></a>
##### `dockerImages`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="dockerImages" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly dockerImages: Image[];

- *Type:* [`@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image`](#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image)[]
- *Type:* <a href="#@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image">Image</a>[]

Images from Docker Hub that should be pulled into ECR.


##### `initScript`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyinitscript"></a>
##### `initScript`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="initScript" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly initScript: string;

- *Type:* `string`
- *Type:* string
- *Default:* Empty.


Bash script injection for the docker image processing phase, in order to log in to Dockerhub or do other initialization.
Bash script injection for the docker image processing phase,
in order to log in to Dockerhub or do other initialization.


##### `lifcecyleRule`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertylifcecylerule"></a>
##### `lifcecyleRule`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="lifcecyleRule" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly lifcecyleRule: LifecycleRule;

- *Type:* [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule)
- *Type:* aws-cdk-lib.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule
- *Default:* No lifecycle rules.

An ECR lifecycle rule which is applied to all repositories.


##### `repoPrefix`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyrepoprefix"></a>
##### `repoPrefix`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="repoPrefix" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly repoPrefix: string;

- *Type:* `string`
- *Type:* string
- *Default:* Empty.

A prefix for all ECR repository names.


##### `schedule`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncecrsyncpropspropertyschedule"></a>
##### `schedule`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="schedule" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly schedule: Schedule;

- *Type:* [`aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule`](#aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule)
- *Type:* aws-cdk-lib.aws_events.Schedule
- *Default:* is once a day.

Expand All @@ -157,47 +213,47 @@ Schedule when images should be synchronized.


### Image <a name="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncimage"></a>
### Image <a name="Image" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image"></a>

Properties of a EcrSync image.

#### Initializer <a name="[object Object].Initializer" id="object-objectinitializer"></a>
#### Initializer <a name="Initializer" id="@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync.Image.Initializer"></a>

import { Image } from '@pgarbe/cdk-ecr-sync'

const image: Image = { ... }

#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="properties"></a>
#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="Properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`imageName`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyimagename)<span title="Required">*</span> | `string` | The name of the image that should be proxied by ECR. |
| [`excludeTags`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyexcludetags) | `string`[] | A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match. |
| [`includeTags`](#pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyincludetags) | `string`[] | A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">imageName</a></code> | <code>string</code> | The name of the image that should be proxied by ECR. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">excludeTags</a></code> | <code>string[]</code> | A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match. |
| <code><a href="#@pgarbe/">includeTags</a></code> | <code>string[]</code> | A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match. |


##### `imageName`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyimagename"></a>
##### `imageName`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="imageName" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly imageName: string;

- *Type:* `string`
- *Type:* string

The name of the image that should be proxied by ECR.


##### `excludeTags`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyexcludetags"></a>
##### `excludeTags`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="excludeTags" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly excludeTags: string[];

- *Type:* `string`[]
- *Type:* string[]
- *Default:* Empty. No tags are excluded

A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match.
Expand All @@ -206,13 +262,13 @@ If includeTags is also defined, excludeTags wins.


##### `includeTags`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="@pgarbe/" id="pgarbecdkecrsyncimagepropertyincludetags"></a>
##### `includeTags`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="includeTags" id="@pgarbe/"></a>

public readonly includeTags: string[];

- *Type:* `string`[]
- *Type:* string[]
- *Default:* Emtpy. All tags are included

A list of regular expression which tags should be included. Only one of the defined tags must match.
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions package.json

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