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Philipp Hartenfeller edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the gatsby-philipps-foam-theme wiki!


In your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  pathPrefix: `/gatsby-philipps-foam-theme`,
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `Philipps Foam Template`,
    description: `Example of using Philipps Foam Template for a Gatsby site`,
  plugins: [
    // ... more plugins ...
      resolve: `gatsby-philipps-foam-theme`,
      options: {
        contentPath: `${__dirname}/../docs`,
        rootNote: "readme",
        ignore: ["**/private/**/*"],
        sidebarDisabled: false,

contentPath (required):

This is the folder where all your files must be in. Assets or images must also be in the folder. All files with the extensions md or mdx will be transformed to a webpage.

rootNode (required):

Relative path from your contentPath to one of your nodes. This is the note that will be open as default.

ignore (optional):

You can provide an array of paths exclude from builds. Their will be no HTML-File generated for them an links to them will be replaced with excluded page.

sidebarDisabled (optional - default false):

The sidebar shows a file index in the folder structure the same as for your markdown files. If you don't want this you can disable it.