Hash based password manager and generator
My Password is a password manager and generator based encryption. This means that the My Passoword will never store your keys on your computer or online. Avoiding them to be lost or intercepted.
With My Password you need to memorize only a single password, and from this will generate a unique key for each website you sign-in. You do not need to memorize multiple passwords and also have a different password for each site.
My Password uses a hash algorithm that combines your master password with the website address in sign-in to generate complex and unique password.
This plugin runs totally in your browser. Nothing is stored or transmitted, so it can be used on multiple computers, public or not.
Web/Mobile Site
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
- MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm): http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-md5.html
- Icons: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
- Although very similar, this project has no relation with the supergenpass.com
- Previously this project was named "Keypass 4 All"