What's Changed
- New upload by @phuc-create in #1
- fix alert by @phuc-create in #2
- merge by @phuc-create in #3
- add by @phuc-create in #4
- Bump node-notifier and react-scripts in /frontend by @dependabot in #5
- Bump json-schema and jsprim in /frontend by @dependabot in #15
- Bump ansi-regex from 4.1.0 to 5.0.1 in /frontend by @dependabot in #14
- Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 in /backend by @dependabot in #12
- Bump jsonwebtoken from 8.5.1 to 9.0.0 in /backend by @dependabot in #26
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 in /backend by @dependabot in #25
- Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /frontend by @dependabot in #24
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #23
- Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 in /backend by @dependabot in #20
- Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 in /frontend by @dependabot in #21
- Bump ansi-regex, ansi-regex and ansi-regex in /backend by @dependabot in #18
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 in /backend by @dependabot in #11
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.15.2 in /frontend by @dependabot in #13
- Bump scss-tokenizer and node-sass in /frontend by @dependabot in #17
- Migrate to typescript by @phuc-create in #27
- Refactoring API FE by @phuc-create in #28
- chore: Update api service cloud to render platform by @phuc-create in #29
- Format BE nodejs code by @phuc-create in #30
- ESlint configuration by @phuc-create in #31
- Re-run server after migrate to typescript by @phuc-create in #32
- Added Users to get methods by @phuc-create in #33
- Enable payment method for checkout by @phuc-create in #34
- Migrate BE to Typescript by @phuc-create in #35
- Update module & target & resolution for typescript transpiler by @phuc-create in #36
- Add compiler option for typescript by @phuc-create in #37
- Fix compiler packagejson by @phuc-create in #38
- Copy images after compling by @phuc-create in #39
- Fix build command by @phuc-create in #40
- Added types tsconfig by @phuc-create in #41
- new: eslint configurations by @phuc-create in #42
- new: husky pre-commit integration by @phuc-create in #43
- new: header for b-shop by @phuc-create in #44
- new: navigation responsive by @phuc-create in #45
- new: login page by @phuc-create in #46
- added notice based on free server instance by @phuc-create in #47
New Contributors
- @phuc-create made their first contribution in #1
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: https://github.com/phuc-create/shop-app/commits/release-v1