A simple e-commerce site used to demonstrate integration of Snipcart with a Next.js application. Because of the simplicity of the project, the site is not deployed to any hosting services. Preview images of the site can be viewed in the README.md Pages section of this file.
Check out the Next.js Docs
Next.js is a react framework used to create full-stack web applications by extending the latest React features and integrating powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling.
Check out the Snipcart Docs
HTML/JavaScript shopping cart platform used to add custom e-commerce to sites/applications. RESTful API, JS API, and webhooks.
To keep the application simple the app only contains a main page displaying products, a cart page ("modal"-like component that slides over the page), and a checkout page that features a multi-step form.
The product gallery displays all available products. Products are dynamically displayed. Data provided with a JSON file.
Adding an item or clicking on the cart icon triggers the cart modal. The cart displays items added for purchase, the item quantity, dollar amount per item, and the total amount of all items.
The checkout page integrates snipcart e-commerce API.
The checkout page uses built-in form validation. The image below is screenshot of the Billing form step displaying errors for missing information - preventing the user from proceeding to the next step (Shipping).