Enter your catkin work space
cd YOUR_PATH/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/pjrambo/PointGrey-with-djiros.git
cd YOUR_PATH/catkin_ws/src/PointGrey-with-djiros/ptgrey_reader/install/usb/
tar jxvf libusb-1.0.21.tar.bz2
cd libusb-1.0.21/
You can follow the INSTALL file in the folder or follow the command below:
make install
According to your platform, use the different command below:
cd YOUR_PATH/catkin_ws/src/PointGrey-with-djiros/ptgrey_reader/install/amd64/
cd YOUR_PATH/catkin_ws/src/PointGrey-with-djiros/ptgrey_reader/install/arm64/
tar zxvf flycapture2-
tar zxvf flycapture.
cd flycapture2-
cd flycapture.
You can follow the README file in the folder or follow the command below:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-11 libgtkmm-2.4-dev \
libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libusb-1.0-0
sudo sh install_flycapture.sh
You may need to install armadillo
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
cd YOUR_PATH/catkin_ws/
Before using that you may need to give the enough authority
sudo gedit cd /etc/udev/rules.d/40-flir.rules
Change all the 0613 to 777 in the "40-flir.rules" and save. Then restart the system.
First, you need to run the camera_list to see your camera ID number, and copy it to the launch file.
rosrun ptgrey_reader camera_list
After you change the launch file with the ID number,
roslaunch roslaunch ptgrey_reader YOUR_LAUNCH.launch
roslaunch djiros djirostrigger.launch
If you want to use muti-camera, you need to excute this command first and roslaunch each camera's launch you need:
sudo -S sh -c 'echo 2048 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'