Project Expenditure Management System
PEMS is designed for Donor funded projects which have specific budget and expenditure monitoring requirements. It analyzes project expenditure data and produces a variety of reports. It can be run on local area networks or stand alone, and allows multiple levels of group and user security and password protection.
The Ministry of Finance or other user enters initial project agreement details into PEMS. Then as claims of expenditure are filed against the project, the details of these are entered as well. These details include the amounts and expenditure categories of the claim, implementing agency submitting claim, dates covered by the claim, status and date of claim submission. If Ministry of Finance has detected any problems with the claim as submitted by the Implementing Agency, these problems and any changes of status are noted in a history file. Finally, as donors disburse against the claims, these details are entered as well. At this time, any problems or corrections reported by the donors are recorded in the database. The database then analyzes the data and present reports in a variety of formats as described below. It has two main components -- data inputDATA_ENTRY, and report generationREPORTS.
#1$2K3 Data Entry:
General: In order to use the PEMS system effectively, users should become familiar with Microsoft Windows and the use of a mouse. The PEMS interface conforms to Windows standards.
PEMS provides pick lists (Combo Boxes) for quick data entry whenever possible.
Data input is divided into three phases. The first step is entry of the initial project agreement terms and budget. As the project is executed, expenses are incurred against the various budget items, and justifying claims are submitted. These expense claims are entered into the claims component of data entry. Finally, the donor reviews the claims, and disburses funds against the accepted claims. These disbursements are recorded in the disbursement phase of data entry. These three phases are described and illustrated below. Note the illustrations are greyscale renderings of color screens. Thus the clarifying intent of the color coded fields is lost, and some of the figures on a dark background are difficult to read here but clear on the screen.