There are 2 tools in this repository, the data subscriber and the data downloader. Which you use depends on your use case. If you're not sure, we'd recommend starting with the downloader.
Downloader - Documentation
The Downloader is useful if you need to download PO.DAAC data once in a while or prefer to do it "on-demand". The Downloader makes no assumptions about the last time run or what is new in the archive, it simply uses the provided requests and downloads all matching data.
Subscriber - Documentation
The subscriber is useful for users who need to continuously pull the latest data from the PO.DAAC archive. If you feed data into a model or real time process, the subscriber allows you to repeatedly run the script and only download the latest data.
Both subscriber and downloader require Python >= 3.7.
The subscriber and downloader scripts are available in the pypi python repository, it can be installed via pip:
pip install podaac-data-subscriber
you should now have access to the downloader and subscriber Command line interfaces:
$> usage: PO.DAAC data subscriber [-h] -c COLLECTION -d OUTPUTDIRECTORY [-f] [-sd STARTDATE] [-ed ENDDATE] [-b BBOX] [-dc] [-dydoy] [-dymd] [-dy] [--offset OFFSET] [-m MINUTES]
[-e EXTENSIONS] [--process PROCESS_CMD] [--version] [--verbose] [-p PROVIDER] [--dry-run]
$> usage: PO.DAAC bulk-data downloader [-h] -c COLLECTION -d OUTPUTDIRECTORY [--cycle SEARCH_CYCLES] [-sd STARTDATE] [-ed ENDDATE] [-f] [-b BBOX] [-dc] [-dydoy] [-dymd] [-dy]
[--offset OFFSET] [-e EXTENSIONS] [-gr GRANULENAME] [--process PROCESS_CMD] [--version] [--verbose] [-p PROVIDER] [--limit LIMIT] [--dry-run]
Note: If after installation, the podaac-data-subscriber
or podaac-data-downloader
commands are not available, you may need to add the script location to the PATH. This could be due to a User Install of the python package, which is common on shared systems where python packages are installed for the user (not the system). See Installing to the User Site and User Installs for more information on finding the location of installed scripts and adding them to the PATH.
This step is needed only if you dont have an Earthdata login already.
The Earthdata Login provides a single mechanism for user registration and profile management for all EOSDIS system components (DAACs, Tools, Services). Your Earthdata login also helps the EOSDIS program better understand the usage of EOSDIS services to improve user experience through customization of tools and improvement of services. EOSDIS data are openly available to all and free of charge except where governed by international agreements.
For setting up your authentication, see the notes on the netrc
file below.
The netrc used within the script will allow Python scripts to log into any Earthdata Login without being prompted for credentials every time you run. The netrc file should be placed in your HOME directory. To find the location of your HOME directory
On UNIX you can use
echo $HOME
On Windows you can use
The output location from the command above should be the location of the .netrc
on Windows) file.
The format of the netrc
file is as follows:
login <your username>
password <your password>
for example:
login podaacUser
password podaacIsAwesome
If the script cannot find the netrc file, you will be prompted to enter the username and password and the script wont be able to generate the CMR token
Use the 'provider' flag to point at a non-PO.DAAC provider. Be aware, the default data types (--extensions) may need to be specified if the desired data are not in the defaults.
podaac-data-subscriber -c SENTINEL-1A_SLC -d myData -p ASF -sd 2014-06-01T00:46:02Z
For error troubleshooting, one can set an environment variable to gain more insight into errors:
And then run the script. This should give you more verbose output on URL requests to CMR, tokens, etc.
The podaac downloader and subscriber make calls to github for checking recent releases. Unauthenticated requests are limited to 60 per hour. If you start seeing errors like:
releases_json = {'documentation_url': '', 'message': "API... here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)"}
You'll want to set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN to a github personal access token- this allows for up to 5000 calls per hour. This requires a free github account. Most users will not run in to this issue.
The PO.DAAC User Services Office is the primary point of contact for answering your questions concerning data and information held by the PO.DAAC. User Services staff members are knowledgeable about both the data ordering system and the data products themselves. We answer questions about data, route requests to other DAACs, and direct questions we cannot answer to the appropriate information source.
Please contact us via email at