Note! Majority of key features missing or likely not tested properly. Don't use for any actual stuff, for now this is just a toy-project I'm making for fun.
To test out tfinder simply clone the repo and build with Cargo:
git clone
cd tfinder
cargo build --release
And excecute the binary
cd release
- up/down-arrow or jk to traverse the currently selected file pane
- left/right-arrow or hl to switch currently selected pane
- esc to quit
Try clicking on stuff UwU
tfinder currently looks for a settings file in it's project folder. This is stupid and should be changed.
You can set the colors of these components to rgb values or names of default terminal colors like magenta or white.
background = "black"
border = "#c397d8"
hover = "Magenta"
selected_focus = "#c397d8"
selected_no_focus = "#523c51"
text_default = "#c397d8"
text_selected = "#000000"
background = "#000000"
text_default = "#c397d8"
text_hovered = "White"
background = "#0a0000"
text_default = "#c397d8"
text_hovered = "#FFFFFF"
text_prompt = "#FFFFFF"
- Fix picker on windows(does not compile atm)
- Carpet bomb event handler(it sucks) and bugfix/rewrite/refactor that shit
- Display ascii art for folders and filetypes
- Implement rest of commands
- Implement custom made commands
- Make images not be sooooo sloooooow if possible
- Rest of color config
- Look for config file in os based folder instead of project folder
- Vacuum rest of code for some silly stuff
- Make resizing work properly
- Figure out if scrolling can be nicer for stateful list or if it's better to make something myself