- It is a simple cloud based appication devloped in Microsoft Visual Studio 19 written in language C#.
- This is a simple app that requires a .docx word file as Input and displays total number of pages, words, character (with and without spaces), special characters, uppercase and lowercase Symbols.
- This Applicaton works on Aneka PaaS.
- This Application is an example of Aneka Thread Model Programming.
- Aneka technology primarily consists of two key components:
- SDK (Software Development Kit) containing application programming interfaces (APIs) and tools essential for rapid development of applications. Aneka APIs supports three popular Cloud programming models: Task, Thread, and MapReduce.
- A Runtime Engine and Platform for managing deployment and execution of applications on private or public Clouds.
- Click here to know more about Aneka
- It works on Master - Worker model.
- Initially a task is assigned to a Master Container.
- Master, Depending on complexity of task distributes this task threads in multiple workers.
- This workers works parallely, which speeds up the execution process.
- Finally, workers submit output to master, and master combine this output and pass back to application and display it to user.
- Overall process occurs on cloud itself, so no extra storage is required.