This repo has the operator which provides a K8S API for building OSBuild images.
go >= 1.17
- To provision Internal Worker VMs, or to follow the sample for the External Worker VM,
is required
Build and push image:
IMG=<image repository and tag> make docker-build docker-push
for example: make docker-build docker-push
Deploy the operator:
IMG=<image repository and tag> make deploy
for example: make deploy
In the
namespace an operator should be running:→ oc get pods -n osbuild NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE osbuild-operator-controller-manager-54f9fdbff-85hfj 2/2 Running 0 2m47s
Please note that the provisioning of the OSBuild Operator will also provision the cert-manager Operator as it is a prerequisite for Admission Webhooks
Apply the project's CRDs on the cluster:
make install
Run the operator locally (outside the cluster):
make run
There are two ways to configure the base images of the Worker VMs:
To Provide a RHEL QCOW2 Image you will need to store it in an accessible endpoint and provide its link in the OSBuildEnvConfig
- Deploy nexus operator by following the instruction here:
- Deploy a nexus instance:
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_nexus.yaml
- Install the Nexus CLI
pip install nexus3-cli
- Login to Nexus
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='' oc get secret -n osbuild nexus-osbuild-admin-credentials -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 -d | xargs nexus3 login --url https://nexus-osbuild-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-x509_verify --username admin --password
- Create a Hosted Raw repository named disk-images
nexus3 repository create hosted raw disk-images
- Upload the rhel qcow2 image
nexus3 upload rhel-8.6-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 disk-images
- Set the URL in the vmWorkerConfig field of the OSBuildEnvConfig CR
worker: - name: WorkerName vmWorkerConfig: dataVolumeSource: http: url: "http://nexus-osbuild:8081/repository/disk-images/rhel-8.6-x86_64-kvm.qcow2"
To use RHEL golden Images of CNV you will need to create a secret containing your credentials for
provide the secret reference in the OSBuildEnvConfig
- Create a Secret containing your credentials for
oc create secret generic osbuild-registry-redhat-io-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=accessKeyId=<Username> --from-literal=secretKey=<Password>
- Set the ImageRegistrySecretReference field of the OSBuildEnvConfig CR
worker: - name: WorkerName vmWorkerConfig: dataVolumeSource: registry: url: docker:// secretRef: osbuild-registry-redhat-io-credentials
- Deploy MiniO
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/deploy_minio.yaml
- Create a bucket name
. You can use theaws
cli:export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin aws --endpoint-url https://minio-s3-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --no-verify-ssl s3 mb s3://osbuild-images
- Create a secret for the S3 credentials
oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=access-key-id=minioadmin --from-literal=secret-access-key=minioadmin
- Create a secret for the CA Bundle using the OCP route
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca-bundle oc create secret generic osbuild-s3-ca-bundle -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/ca-bundle
- Create an HTPasswd file
htpasswd -Bbc /tmp/auth admin <Password>
- Create a secret for the HTPasswd file
oc create secret generic container-registry-auth -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/auth
- Because uses rate limiting it is recommanded to use an Image Pull Secret
- If you don't have an account at create one
- Create a docker-registry secret with your credentials
oc create secret docker-registry docker-io-creds -n osbuild --docker-username=<Username> --docker-password=<Password>
- Uncommnet the imagePullSecret field of the podSpec in
- Deploy the container registry
oc apply -f config/creating_env/deploy_container_registry.yaml -n osbuild
- Add the OCP CA certificate to its additionalTrustedCA
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='' oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca.crt oc create configmap osbuild-registry-config --from-file=container-registry-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}=/tmp/ca.crt -n openshift-config oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"additionalTrustedCA":{"name":"osbuild-registry-config"}}}' --type=merge
- Create a secret for the Container Registry credentials
oc create secret docker-registry osbuild-registry-credentials -n osbuild --docker-server=container-registry-osbuild.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} --docker-username=admin --docker-password=<Password>
- If you wish to use images from this registry, you will need to create the same secret in your namespace and add the following to your PodSpec:
spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: < Secret Name >
- Create a secret for the CA Bundle using the OCP route
oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress-operator router-ca -o "jsonpath={.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/ca-bundle oc create secret generic osbuild-container-registry-ca-bundle -n osbuild --from-file=/tmp/ca-bundle
- Find your RH creds and create a secret:
oc create secret generic redhat-portal-credentials -n osbuild --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> --from-literal=password=<PASSWORD>
Currently the controller does not support creating the PSQL server on its own, making this step mandatory
- Edit the file
and set a real Password - Create the PSQL server
oc new-app --env-file config/creating_env/psql.env postgresql:13-el8 -n osbuild
- Edit the file
with the same Password - Create new secret (please enter a real encoded password)
oc create -f config/creating_env/postgress_secret.yaml
- Create an SSH key-pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C cloud-user@external-builder -f ~/.ssh/external-builder
- Create symlinks to the files to facilitate the next step
ln -s ~/.ssh/ config/creating_env/ssh-publickey ln -s ~/.ssh/external-builder config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey
- Generate the secret
oc create secret generic external-builder-ssh-pair --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-privatekey --from-file=config/creating_env/ssh-publickey -n osbuild
- The example External worker uses a RHEL Golden imageas defined for the VM Worker
- Deploy the VM
oc apply -n osbuild -f config/creating_env/external-worker-vm.yaml
- Wait for the VM to reach Ready state
oc wait --for=condition=Ready -n osbuild --timeout=5m
- Get VM Address
oc get vmi -n osbuild external-builder -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}
- Apply OSBuildEnvConfig
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='' export EXTERNAL_WORKER_IP=`oc get vmi external-builder -n osbuild -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}` cat config/samples/osbuilder_v1alpha1_osbuildenvconfig.yaml | envsubst | oc apply -f -
- Fetch the Private key from the secret and save it to a file
oc get secret -n osbuild osbuild-worker-ssh -o jsonpath={.data.ssh-privatekey} | base64 -d > /tmp/worker-ssh.key
- In a separate shell run a debug pod (for example, using node worker-1)
oc debug node/worker-1
- Copy the SSH key to the debug pod
oc cp /tmp/worker-ssh.key worker-1-debug:/root/
- Get the worker VM's IP address (for the worker named builder-1 )
oc get vmi builder-1 -o jsonpath={.status.interfaces[0].ipAddress}
- Go back to the debug pod and ssh into the worker with cloud-user and the VMI's IP
ssh -i /root/worker-ssh.key cloud-user@<IP Address>
- Edit the sample OSBuildConfig and create the instance
oc apply -f config/samples/osbuilder_v1alpha1_osbuildconfig.yaml
- Look at the OSBuildConfig status to the index of the OSBuild instance that was created
oc get osbuildconfig osbuildconfig-sample -o jsonpath={.status.lastVersion}
- Wait for the OSBuild instance to finish successfully by running the command below and waiting for
oc get osbuild osbuildconfig-sample-1 -o jsonpath={.status.conditions}
- Get the URL of the Container Image
oc get osbuild osbuildconfig-sample-1 -o jsonpath={.status.containerUrl}
- Create a docker registry secret for your Container Image Registry as explained here
- Edit the sample Edge Commit Deployment with the URL returned by the OSBuild CR's status and the name of the secret you created
- Deploy the Edge Commit and expose it as a Route
oc apply -f config/creating_env/deploy_edge_commit.yaml
- Once the deployment is in status Running fetch the Commit
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN='' export REF='rhel/8/x86_64/edge' curl -k https://edge-commit-default.apps.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}/repo/refs/heads/${REF}