A Symfony bundle to demonstrate usage and features of the pm surveythor, a tool to create and perform online surveys.
- a simple backend to create surveys
- a simple frontend to render survey forms and handle the result by your own event
- different types of possible questions:
- multiple choice
- single choice
- free text questions
- questions / answers can have child / parent relations
- event controlled result handling, which means:
- the result is processed by an EventSubscriber
- you can override it by using a compilerpass (see the example in the AppBundle)
Still not features:
- groupable questions
- other elements then questions like html elements, text, dividers, etc.
- extend
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts ... surveythor-demo surveythor-frontend
- All commands have to be executed in workspace (symfony project root)
- Start all containers in background
$ docker-compose up -d web
- Install vendors, execute migrations and load fixtures (only at first time)
- Install vendors
$ docker-compose exec web php composer.phar install
- Execute migrations
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
- Load fixtures
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console hautelook_alice:doctrine:fixtures:load -n
- Install vendors
- Activate XDebug in
PHP_XDEBUG_ENABLED: 0 # load XDebug on container start
XDEBUG_CONFIG: remote_host= # docker HOST-IP
PHP_IDE_CONFIG: serverName=localhost # PHPStorm server name - only used in CLI debug
- PHPStorm setup:
- Settings... -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers: Add
- name: has to be same as PHP_IDE_CONFIG value
- port: 80
- path-mapping: path of project root in host system
- Setting -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Debug -> DBGp Proxy:
: 9000
- Settings... -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers: Add
- Start containers:
$ docker-compose up -d
- After clicking "Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections" in PHPStorm you can jump to web and cli breakpoints.
- To activate/deactivate XDebug simply adjust ENV-Variable
and restart containers (docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
- Execute symfony command
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console [SF-CONSOLE-COMMAND]
- Start webpack encore
$ docker-compose exec web node_modules/.bin/encore dev-server
- Show containers and their status
$ docker-compose ps
- Container shell access
$ docker-compose exec web bash
- CLI connection to MySQL:
$ mysql -u surveythor_demo -p
- Stop services/container
$ docker-compose stop
- Stop and delete container (incl. volumes, images und networks except data volumes)
$ docker-compose down
After booting container you can start EndToEnd-Tests with:
$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/phpunit --filter EndToEnd
If you want to watch EndToEnd-Tests then you have to start a vnc viewer and connect to for firefox and for chrome. Maybe you have to set color depth to at least 15 bit.
Install: https://wiki.saucelabs.com/display/DOCS/Basic+Sauce+Connect+Proxy+Setup
After download and extraction start sauce labs from outside of docker (currently there is no docker container support):
$ sc-4.4.8-linux/bin/sc -u username -k api_key -i my-tun2 --se-port 4446
Start tests:
$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/phpunit
You can see how the app embeds into a frame site on: domain.tld/embed/edit/1 domain.tld/embed/result/1 domain.tld/embed/evaluate/1
This software is published under the MIT License