Find the GPS position where you are and put every 2 seconds a marker on google map. Everything is logged. The position is sent to log-webservice(see my sources on github) on Heroku.
- npm i
- ionic serve
- install android studio and install an android emulator
- cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
- ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file --save
- ionic platform add android --save
- ionic build android --release
- import platform directory in android studio
- ionic emulate android
- ionic run android --list
- ionic run android --device
- cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
- ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
- ionic plugin ls
- ionic (command list)
- npm update -g cordova
- cordova platform ls
You can add additional flags when using ionic run.
-c will show console logs. -s will show server logs. -l will perform live reload of the application when code changes. So you can use something like ionic run android -cls
Note that for livereload to work if the device is not connected directly make sure its in the same network as the serving device. Make sure to serve to a local IP address in this case (you can use ionic address to change that).