This project manages the list of food items we have at home and the shopping list to buy the ones needed.
- Add and delete the items we've at home
- Add items to a shopping list
- Add bought items of the shooping list to home
- React
- React Hooks
- React Router
- Firebase Realtime Database
The project was created to manage the list of items we have at home and the list of items we need. In the mainpage we can see a description of the 3 areas or options we have. The first one, ATHOME is where you'll find a list, with all the products that you've already at home. New items can be added, existing items updated (option activated in the second version) and every consumed item deleted. The second one, WANTED is basically, your shopping list. You can build a list with every item that should be bought next time you go to the supermarket and once you buy them, pass them to "At Home" section with just a click. The last section, HISTORY will have a list with all the products and transactions. Every bought, updated or deleted item will be here. It will be activated in the second version of the project.
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Install dependencies
npm install
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
npm install react-router-dom@6
# Start the project
npm start
- Login to Firebase
- Create project
- Create Realtime Database
- “Start in test mode”
- Copy link and paste it in