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Andrzej Pronobis edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 4 revisions

LIP 0 - Introducing LIPs

Title Introducing LIPs
Author A. Pronobis
Status Active
Type Process
Created Sep 1, 2017

LIP Types

LIP types are similar to PEP types. We have:

  • Proceess LIPs - Describe improvements to the process of developing LibSPN.
  • Standard LIPs - Describe improvements to LibSPN features and code.

LIP Process and Statuses

The process and statuses of a LIP are pretty much identical to the ones used by PEP.



  • Draft - Draft of a LIP
  • Deferred - Unfinished, abandoned LIP
  • Accepted - Accepted for implementation
  • Final - Implemented
  • Rejected - Rejected by the LibSPN maintainers
  • Withdrawn - Withdrawn by the author
  • Replaced - Replaced by another LIP
  • Active - LIP that is never meant to be final and is allowed to evolve

When a LIP is submitted, it should be associated with a GH issue. The issue is used to discuss the LIP. The issue should stay closed until the LIP is rejected or finalized.

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